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Jeffrey Conklin, Chief Information Officer

Image of Jeffrey Conklin, Chief Information Officer

Jeffrey Conklin was competitively selected as the first permanent USCIS Chief Information Officer in the Senior Executive Service. Mr. Conklin now leads the Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) in a critical era of technology systems modernization to facilitate the USCIS broad based business transformation. Mr. Conklin's leadership in information technology service delivery across Federal, state and local levels has given him a unique understanding of the important ways in which the Office of Chief Information Officer is accountable and must be responsive to the people it serves.

Prior to joining USCIS, Mr. Conklin served as CEO of the Washington School Information Processing Cooperative for six years. In this role, Mr. Conklin was responsible to a nine-member Board of Directors representing each of the nine educational service districts in the state and a representative from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mr. Conklin led the management of a 110-person organization that provides technology services to 280 of Washington states 296 school districts. These services include systems integration and application service provider services for the distribution of the cooperative’s customized administrative software that facilitates the management of school districts finance, human resources, student management, food service and other business process needs of a modern school district. Jeff coordinated the technology efforts of the Cooperative with the state superintendent’s office, nine educational service districts, and 280 school districts to provide the most cost-effective technology support to the Cooperative membership.

Mr. Conklin's prior experience includes having served at the U.S. Department of Education as Director of Technology Services, where he led the internal technology support activities for the Department.  Mr. Conklin also served at the U.S. Department of Defense, where he led e-commerce, human resources management system, and medical information system engineering efforts.

Mr. Conklin also served 10 years in the United States Marine Corps as an information systems management officer and platoon commander in a variety of Marine units. Mr. Conklin has taught programming and technology courses at the National Defense University - Information Resources Management College. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science/Computer Science from the U.S. Naval Academy and a Master of Science in Software Engineering from National University.

Last updated: 05/22/2008

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