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Keith G. Kauffman

Assistant Administrator for Intelligence and Analysis
Photo of Keith Kauffman

Keith G. Kauffman was appointed assistant administrator for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis in October 2007. As TSA's senior intelligence officer, he directs the analysis of intelligence associated with the nation's transportation systems. Kauffman joined TSA in May 2007 as the deputy assistant administrator for Intelligence.

Before joining TSA, Kauffman worked for 24 years at the National Security Agency (NSA), starting in 1983 as a signals conversion specialist after successful service in the U.S. Army. His last NSA assignment was a detail to the U.S. Strategic Command’s Joint Functional Component Command for Network Warfare, where he served as the director of Intelligence/Joint Staff.

He also worked as an intelligence analyst, senior collection officer in the National Security Operations Center and as a program manager and line manager in a variety of NSA operations organizations.

In more recent NSA assignments, Kauffman served as both the deputy and chief of the Analysis and Assessments Group within the Information Operations Technology Center, and led the Office of Corporate Operations Products and Services within the NSA/Central Security Service Threat Operations Center (NTOC). Prior to that, he was on the team that planned the stand-up of the NTOC.

Kauffman also completed an overseas assignment for the Department of Defense and represented NSA as a member of various intelligence community working groups and committees.

He graduated from the University of Maryland University College with a Bachelor of Science degree in technology management; obtained a Certificate in Technology and Telecommunications from Johns Hopkins University; and graduated from Johns Hopkins with a Master of Science in business.