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Special Instructions for Form I-589 "Application for Political Asylum"

For applicants filing Form I-589 "Application for Political Asylum" with the USCIS on or after March 29, 1998:

  1. Do not submit a completed fingerprint card (FD-258) or fingerprint fee with your application. Your application will be accepted without the fingerprint card attached. If you submit a completed fingerprint card with your application on or after March 29, 1998, the card will be rejected and you will be re-fingerprinted by USCIS.
  2. You are exempt from the $70 biometric fee.
  3. After USCIS receives your application, USCIS will provide you with an appointment letter with the location of the nearest USCIS authorized fingerprint site. Please read the instructions in the appointment letter, and take it to the USCIS authorized fingerprint site when you go to your fingerprint appointment.



  • Applicants and petitioners residing abroad who are fingerprinted at a United States consular or military installation abroad do not need to be fingerprinted by USCIS and are exempt from the $70 biometric fee. These applicants and petitioners must file their completed card at the time their application or petition is filed.

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