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Project Summary

Rehabilitation Station" Nocturne Program

Regional Map

1. Project ID
  • Name
Rehabilitation Station" Nocturne Program
  • Region
Alaskan Region
  • State
  • Location
Alaska SeaLife Center, Seaward, AK
  • Date of this update
March 23, 2000
Habitat Restoration/Protection  
 Wetlands  X
 River systems  X
 Beaches/Dunes  X
 Offshore areas  X
 Mangroves  X
Assisting Species at Risk  X
Pollution Mitigation  X
 Non-Point Source Pollution  X
Other (describe)    X

This is an educational program that is being developed for the Alaska SeaLife Center which contains sessions which address all the issues checked off above.

3. Project description (100 words or less)

Cadette Girl Scout Troup 760, of the Sustina Council in Anchorage, AK, has partnered with the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Alaska SeaLife Center (a Coastal Ecosystem Learning Center) to develop an educational program which focuses on the rehabilitation of wildlife and their habitat. The program as developed by the girls will go forward in stages. The first stage, which was just recently completed, was to develop a workshop for older Girl Scouts, and fit it into an existing badge program for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts, through which the girls could develop an appreciation for complexities of the aquatic ecosystem in Alaska, together with balancing the pressures for resource development and conserving that ecosystem, and the responsibility needed to protect, restore and rehabilitate that ecosystem and it's inhabitants if necessary.

The second pahse will be to take that program and format it into an appropiate "Nocturne" (overnight education program) which the Alaska SeaLife Center will be able to use with additional groups.

A third phase involved developing similar workshops for younger Girl Scouts using existing badge programs. And the fourth phase will be to develop a badge program that would specifically address opportunities to combine research, rehabilitation, and education.

4. Goals/Benefits (quantify where possible using measures of success list) Was a cost-benefit study conducted for this project? yes/no If yes, provide a summary of findings.


5. Partners (include each participant's responsibilities - funding, permitting, etc.)

Federal Lead:
National Marine Fisheries Service�Expertise, leadership, educational materials, and monetary assistance in providing copies and slides

EPA�expertise and supplies
Non Federal: State government
Local government
Private industry
Public interest groups
Girl Scouts of USA, Sustina Council�expertise and supplies Girl Scouts of USA, Sustina Council, Cadette Girl Scout Troop 760�development of program, obtaining supplies, and coordination
Educational Facility
Alaska SeaLife Center�facility, expertise, and supplies

6. Funding/Contributions (organization and amount)

  Cash	Federal
			Non Federal 	State government
					Local government
					Private industry
					Public interest groups

	  In-Kind Services (hours, equipment, or other forms of assistance and estimated dollar 	value)
	  Volunteers (number of people and hours, and estimated dollar value)

7. Legislative authorities used by each participant
Coastal America Partnership MOU, committment to the CELC, NOAA Fisheries/Girl Scout MOA

8. Value added by Coastal America Partnership including Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals achieved through this collaboration (500 words or less)
In June of 1999, the National Marine Fisheries Service and Girl Scouts of the United States formed a partnership to promote sound marine conservation and education issues for young people. The agreement between NMFS and Girl Scouts provides a framework to develop a variety of cooperative activities to expand marine science education for young people. This framework provided a natural nexus for NMFS to work through the Coastal America Partnership in concert witht he Alaska SeaLife Center. The Alaska SeaLife Center is part of the network of Coastal Ecosystem Learning Centers established by the Coastal America Partnership of which NMFS is a partner. Through Coastal America partnership, NMFS was able to leverage the additional support of the Alaska SeaLife Center to initially develop an educational workshop for older Girl Scouts, which focused on raising the Girls' appreciation and awareness of critical coastal issues such as damage to habitat and natural resources from pollution and oil spills, scientific methods being used to study these issues, career opportunities, scientific technology used to study these issues, and funding issues as they relate to restoration and rehabilitation of these resources. Ultimately, this program will be used by the Alaska SeaLife Center to dill a need in their existing programs on rehabilitation education. The CELC wo;; benefit from this partnership as it is hoped that this program can be developed to be adopted by other CELCs and Girl Scout Councils.

9. Project Status


  • Project Manager
  • Others

11. Any additional information/comments