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Genealogy Index Search Request

Purpose of Form :
Use G-1041 to request a search of USCIS historical indices. To obtain copies of USCIS historical records, use Form G-1041A, Genealogy Records Request. Requests for searches of USCIS historical indices are used to determine whether any USCIS records exist on the subject and, if such records exist, to capture the file number and/or other identifier of each record.
Number of Pages :
Edition Date :
Where to File :

Mail completed forms with payment to:

USCIS Genealogy Program
PO Box 805925
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

Filing Fee :
$20 Payment must be submitted with this form to request a genealogy index search. Payment may be in the form of a cashier's check or money order. Personal checks will not be accepted, and they will be returned to you. If the form is submitted from outside the United States, remittance may be made with a bank international money order or foreign draft drawn in U.S. dollars and payable through a U.S. bank. Make all payments in U.S. currency to the Department of Homeland Security. Do not send cash with your form.
Special Instructions :

Last updated: 09/24/2008

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