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USDA Nutrient Data Set for Fresh Pork (From SR), Release 1.1
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USDA Nutrient Data Set for Fresh Pork (Derived from SR), Release 1.1
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Nutrient composition data for fresh pork products in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR) have not been updated since 1991. Since that time, changes in animal husbandry practices and industry procedures have led to the availability of leaner cuts. Furthermore, labeling regulations for fresh, single-ingredient meats have been proposed by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). In order to provide up-to-date nutrient information on fresh pork products in SR, the USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory, in collaboration with scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the National Pork Board, conducted a study to determine the nutrient composition of nine (9) fresh pork cuts. The cuts chosen for evaluation were shoulder blade steak, tenderloin roast, top loin chop, top loin roast, sirloin roast, loin chop, rib chop, country style ribs, and spare ribs. They were analyzed both in the raw and cooked states by the most common method for each cut. To assist industry in preparing for the proposed new labeling regulations, these data are being presented as a separate release.

 You will need the Adobe Acrobat viewer to view the report. 

Note:  A few minor corrections were made in September 2007 to correspond to the values released in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Refrence, Release 20

See additional research on these data, which has been presented at the 2006 Institute of Food Technologists Food Expo + Annual Meeting.

Read the news article on the Revised USDA Nutrient Data Set for Fresh Pork.

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Last Modified: 10/02/2007
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