Frequently Asked Questions

Q. DAV receives government funding... why do you need my contribution?
A. Contrary to popular belief, DAV receives no government money or grants. Our service programs are sustained by contributions such as yours.

Q. Your service programs for disabled veterans overlap or duplicate government programs.
A. Not true, as DAV programs pick-up and fill the void left by government agencies. This is especially true given government budget cut-backs which make the need greater today.

Q. My gift of $5 or $10 won't help!!
A. We depend on gifts of $5 or $10, they do make a difference. Small gifts add up to significant assistance.

Q. Is my donation tax deductible?
A. Yes, DAV is a tax-exempt organization and all contributions are tax deductible if you itemize deductions.

Q. How much of my donation goes to help disabled veterans?
A. In our last accounting year, 76% of all contributions were directed to program services.

Q. Is DAV approved by watch dog agencies?
A. DAV meets all standards and is approved by the leading consumer agency, the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.

Q. Is DAV, Paralyzed Veterans, and Easter Paralyzed Veterans the same organization? What's the difference?
A. DAV, PVA, and EPVA are separate organizations. DAV is our nation's only charity that focuses its attention exclusively on the needs of all disabled veterans, regardless of their disability. The PVA serves only those with spinal cord injuries. We serve this population, as well as amputees, blind veterans, those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and so on, the full spectrum of disabled veterans.
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