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I/UCRC Sample Agreement

Industry/University Cooperative Research Center
Sample Membership Agreement

This Agreement is made this __________ day of 20____ by and between The University of _________________________________________ (hereinafter called "UNIVERSITY") and _______________________________ (hereinafter called "COMPANY").

WHEREAS, the parties to this Agreement intend to join together in a cooperative effort to support an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for __________________________________________ (hereinafter called "CENTER") at the UNIVERSITY to maintain a mechanism whereby the UNIVERSITY environment can be used to perform research to _______________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________.The parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:

A. CENTER will be operated by certain faculty, staff and students at the UNIVERSITY. For the first five years, the CENTER will be supported jointly by industrial firms, Federal laboratories, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the State, and the UNIVERSITY. It is possible that the UNIVERSITY may receive support from NSF for an addtional five years.

B. Any COMPANY, Federal Research and Development organization, or any Government-owned Contractor Operated laboratory may become a sponsor of the CENTER, consistent with applicable state and federal laws and statutes. Federal Research and Development organizations and Government-owned Contractor Operated laboratories may become sponsors of the CENTER on terms and conditions other than those in this agreement upon approval by UNIVERSITY and two-thirds of the Industrial Advisory Board.

C. COMPANY agrees to contribute $_________ annually in support of the CENTER and thereby becomes a member. Payment of these membership fees shall be made to the University of _________ as a lump sum effective __________________; or in four equal quarterly installments on __________, _________, _________ and __________ of each year of sponsorship. Checks from COMPANY should be mailed to _________________________________________________ and made payable to ________________________. Because research of the type to be done by the CENTER takes time and research results may not be obvious immediately, COMPANY should join CENTER with the intention of remaining a fee paying member for at least two years. However, COMPANY may terminate this Agreement by giving UNIVERSITY 90 days written notice prior to the termination date.

D. The CENTER will begin to develop research projects that are recommended at the first Industrial Advisory Board meeting. There will be an Industrial Advisory Board composed of one representative from each member. This board makes recommendations on (a) the research projects to be carried out by CENTER (b) the apportionment of resources to these research projects, and (c) agrees to operational procedures.

E. There will be an Industrial Advisory Board composed of one representative from each member. This board makes recommendations on (a) the research projects to be carried out by CENTER (b) the apportionment of resources to these research projects, and (c) changes in the bylaws. The operation of this board is specified in the bylaws.

F. UNIVERSITY reserves the right to publish in scientific or engineering journals the results of any research performed by CENTER. COMPANY, however, shall have the opportunity to review any paper or presentation containing results of the research program of CENTER prior to publication of the paper, and shall have the right to request a delay in publication for a period not to exceed one (1) year from the date of submission to COMPANY, for proprietary reasons, provided that COMPANY makes a written request and justification for such delay within sixty (60) days from the date the proposed publication is submitted by certified mail to COMPANY.

G. All patents derived from inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of research conducted by the CENTER shall belong to UNIVERSITY. UNIVERSITY, pursuant to chapter 18 of title 35 of the United States Code, commonly called the Bayh-Dole Act, will have ownership of all patents developed from this work, subject to "march-in" rights as set forth in this Act. COMPANIES that wish to exercise rights to a royalty-free license agree to pay for the costs of patent application. UNIVERSITY agrees that all such CENTER sponsors are entitled to a nonexclusive royalty-free license. COMPANY will have the right to sublicense its subsidiaries and affiliates. If only one COMPANY seeks a license, that COMPANY may obtain an exclusive fee-bearing license through one of its agents. COMPANY has the right to sublicense its subsidiaries and affiliates.

H. Copyright registration shall be obtained for software developed by CENTER. COMPANY shall be entitled to a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to all software developed by CENTER. COMPANY will have the right to enhance and to re-market enhanced or unenhanced software with royalties due to CENTER to be negotiated, based on the worth of the initial software, but not to exceed __% of a fair sale price of the enhanced software product sold or licensed by COMPANY.

I. Any royalties and fees received by UNIVERSITY under this Agreement, over and above expenses incurred, will be distributed as follows:(1) ___%to inventor, or in accordance with UNIVERSITY royalty-sharing schedule,(2) ___% to the University of _________________________________________, and(3) ___% to CENTER operating account, or to the College of _________________________ in the event that CENTER is no longer in operation.

J. Neither party is assuming any liability for the actions or omissions of the other party. Each party will indemnify and hold the other party harmless against all claims, liability, injury, damage or cost based upon injury or death to persons, or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of property that arises out of the performance of this agreement to the extent that such claims, liability, damage, cost or expense results from the negligence of a party's agents or employees.


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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008
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Last Updated: Jul 10, 2008