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Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Saturday, July 22, 2006


Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez
Opinion Editorial, Miami Herald
Cuba: U.S. ready to help in rebuilding the nation”

I came to Miami on Friday to report on a pledge that President Bush has made to the Cuban people.

Under the president's leadership, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and I presented the Compact with the People of Cuba last week. We make the promise that the United States is prepared to help Cubans and a new Cuban transition government as they move toward a free and representative democracy.

The future of Cuba is in the hands of the Cuban people.

The compact is a straightforward message to Cubans who want democratic change: When they move to free themselves, they can count on the United States for massive humanitarian aid and concrete help in rebuilding their economy and organizing free and fair multiparty elections.

Over the past several decades, the Western Hemisphere and much of the world have moved forward. Cuba has fallen behind.

In the land of Jose Martí, there is no liberty. In Cuba, there is no freedom of association, no freedom of speech, no freedom to work where one pleases, no free flow of information. Cubans live with desperation imposed through food-ration books.

The Cuban people have suffered too much and for too long.

The compact is a message of hope and reassurance to the people on the island that, as they define their democratic future, they can count on the United States. Herewith is the Compact with the People of Cuba:

"All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: The United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you. Democratic reformers facing repression, prison, or exile can know: America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country." -- President Bush

The people of Cuba have a choice: economic and political freedom and opportunity--or more political repression and economic suffering under the current regime.

The United States stands ready to work with the Cuban people to attain political and economic liberty.

We recognize that a broad consensus for democracy exists among the Cuban community, both those on the island and those in exile, as witnessed by the 1998 Agreement for Democracy.

We pledge to help the Cuban people, and a new transition Cuban government, as they move away from a totalitarian communist dictatorship and toward a free and representative democracy. Cubans who want democratic change should count on our friendship and support. We share the Cuban dream of a better tomorrow for their families and themselves.

To support a Cuban transition government we pledge to:

  • Provide emergency food, water, fuel and medical equipment and help ensure that these vital supplies are rapidly distributed throughout Cuba;
  • Help ensure that electrical power is maintained and improved as quickly as possible;
  • Help rebuild the Cubans' shattered economy;
  • Respect the right of the Cuban people to be secure in their homes;
  • Encourage assistance from other countries, associations and private companies; and
  • Discourage third parties from intervening to obstruct the will of the Cuban people.

We will do all this and more provided we are asked by a Cuban transition government that is committed to dismantling all instruments of state repression, implementing internationally respected human rights and basic freedoms, including:

  • Guaranteeing the rights of free speech, freedom of the press and freedom of worship;
  • Legalizing all peaceful political activity;
  • Releasing all political prisoners;
  • Establishing an independent judiciary;
  • Allowing the creation of independent trade unions and independent social, economic and political associations;
  • Ensuring the right to private property; and
  • Organizing free and fair elections for a democratically elected new Cuban government within a period of no more than 18 months.

Carlos M. Gutierrez is the U.S. secretary of commerce.