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Lawful Permanent Residence ("Green Card")

This section of the USCIS Website provides you with information and directions necessary to apply for lawful permanent residence (LPR), or "green cards". You will have the opportunity to access information regarding ways to get a "green card". A "green card" gives you official immigration status (Lawful Permanent Residency) in the United states. If you already are a permanent resident, you may want to read, "Now That You Are A Permanent Resident".

If you already know the specific path of immigration you wish to follow, visit one of the following:

  • Immigration through a Family Member
  • Immigration through Employment

If you are unsure which immigration path best fits your particular situation, see our general information section.

  • Immigration Classification and Visa Categories
  • How do I Become a Lawful Permanent Resident While in the United States?
  • Eligibility information: Who May Apply to Become a Lawful Permanent Resident While in the United States

Additional information related to lawful permanent residency that you might need to review are as follows:

  • How Do I Renew My Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)?
  • How Do I Replace My Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)?

This page can be found at 

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