Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) | Region 10 | US EPA

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Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)

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Final Shell Offshore Inc.’s Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Air Quality Control Minor Permit No: R10OCS-AK-07-01 (Revised) - OCS Source: Kulluk Drilling Unit

On June 18, 2008 the US EPA Region 10, Office of Air, Waste and Toxics issued a final determination regarding this permit. This determination consists of the Final Permit and a Response to Public Comments document that summarizes the comments received, responds to these comments, and indicates those permit conditions that have changed from the preliminary permit determination.

In accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 124.15, this permit will become effective no sooner than July 21, 2008, unless a petition for review is filed with the Environmental Appeals Board (EAB). Additionally, pursuant to Permit Condition 28, this permit is not effective until EPA has completed its consultation obligations under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with respect to the polar bear, and Permittee has amended its application and/or the EPA has amended the OCS permit terms as appropriate as a result of the consultation.

Pursuant to the Environmental Appeals Board Remand Order issued September 14, 2007, those with standing to appeal under 40 C.F.R. § 124.19 may appeal this determination to the Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) before July 21, 2008. See 40 C.F.R. § 124.19(a). In accordance with the Remand Order, any such appeal shall be limited to issues being remanded and issues arising as a result of any modification the Region made to its permitting decisions on remand. Petitions for review must be received at the EAB no later than July 21, 2008. Additional information regarding the administrative appeals process may be obtained online (http://epa.gov/eab/) or by contacting the EAB clerk at 202-233-0122. Environmental Appeals Board Remand Order (PDF) (71 pp, 760 kb).

Please contact Dan Mahar (mahar.dan@epa.gov) by email or at 206-553-7079 if you have any questions about this final permit action.

Final Revised OCS Air Permit for Shell Offshore's Kulluk Drilling Unit Proposed Revised OCS Air Permit for Shell Offshore's Kulluk Drilling Unit Shell Kulluk Supplemental Application Materials 2008 Public Comments

CommenterSubmittal DateSubmittal
Shell Offshore IncApril 1, 2008Shell Comment Letter (PDF) (12pp. 1.9MB)
US Department of Interior, Minerals Management Service (MMS)April 1, 2008MMS Comment Letter (PDF) (1pp. 31K)
Alaska Oil and Gas Association (AOGA)April 1, 2008AOGA Comment Letter (PDF) (2pp. 35K)
Bill MacClarenceMarch 27, 2008Comment via Email (PDF) (1pp. 35K)
OceanaApril 1, 2008Oceana Comment Letter (PDF) (2pp. 108K)
The North Slope Borough (NSB)March 3, 2008NSB Comment Letter on Scheduled Hearings (PDF) (2 pp. 257K)
EPA Region 10March 18, 2008EPA Reply to NSB March 3, 2008 Comment Letter (PDF) (2 pp. 28K)
The North Slope Borough (NSB)March 18, 2008NSB Comment Letter Requesting an Extension of the Comment Period (PDF) (1 pp. 26K)
EPA Region 10April 1, 2008EPA Reply to NSB March 18, 2008 Comment Letter (PDF) (2 pp. 28K)
The North Slope Borough (NSB)April 1, 2008NSB Comment Letter (PDF) (28 pp. 1.5MB)
Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS)April 1, 2008ISAC Comment Letter (PDF) (4 pp. 27K)
Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope (ICAS)April 1, 2008EPA Reply to ICAS Verbal Request to Extend the Public Comment Period (PDF) (2 pp. 28K)
Northern Alaska Environmental Center (NAEC) also representing Native Village of Hope, Natural Resources Defense Council, Pacific Environment, REDOIL, Sierra Club, Center of Biological Diversity, and the Alaska Wilderness LeagueApril 1, 2008NAEC Comment Letter (PDF) (89 pp. 4MB)
Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission (AEWC)April 3, 2008AEWC Comment Letter (PDF) (2 pp. 66K)
ASRC Energy Services (ASRC)April 1, 2008ASRC Comment Letter (PDF) (2 pp. 102K)

2008 Public Informational Meeting and Public Hearings

Materials Presented at the three Public Information Meetings in Barrow on March 25, Kaktovik on March 26, and Nuiqsut on March 27 Barrow Public Hearing – March 25, 2008 Kaktovik Public Hearing – March 26, 2008 Nuiqsut Public Hearing – March 27, 2008
Information Submitted to EPA after the Close of Public Comment Period
CommenterSubmittal DateSubmittal
Shell Offshore IncMay 6, 2008Supplemental Comments (PDF) (14 pp. 928K)
Air Sciences IncMay 6, 2008Supplemental Comments (PDF) (4 pp. 108K)
Drilling Contractor MagazineMay 6, 2008Blowout Report (PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Shell Offshore Inc.June 4, 2008Letter to EPA Administrator (PDF) (4 pp. 136K)
North Slope BoroughJune 6, 2008Letter to EPA Region 10 (PDF) (13 pp. 835K)
Northern Alaska Environmental CenterJune 10, 2008Letter to EPA Region 10 (PDF) (3 pp. 63K)


2007 EPA Region 10 OCS Permit #'s R10OCS-AK-07-01 and R10OCS-AK-07-02

Issue Date
Effective Date
Response to Comments
Shell Offshore Inc
June 12, 2007
July 16, 2007
Kulluk Final Permit (PDF) (26 pp. 505K) R10OCS-AK-07-01-OCSRedline/ Strikeout Final Kulluk Permit (PDF) (27 pp. 235K)Response to Comments (PDF) (96 pp. 597K)
Shell Offshore Inc
Frontier Discoverer
June 12, 2007
July 16, 2007
Frontier Discoverer Final Permit (PDF) (25 pp. 546K) R10OCS-AK-07-02-OCSRedline/ Strikeout Final Frontier Discoverer Permit (PDF) (26 pp. 234K)

2007 EPA Region 10 Preliminary Decisions for Permit #'s R10OCS-AK-07-01 and R10OCS-AK-07-02 2006-2007 Shell Application Materials
2007 Public Comments

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