Information on Waste Incinerators and Combustors | Region 10 | US EPA

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Information on Waste Incinerators and Combustors

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Incinerator Acronyms:

HMIWI - Hospital Medical Infectious Waste Incinerators
CISWI - Commercial Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators
OSWI - Other Solid Waste Incinerators
SMWC - Small Municipal Waste Combustors
LMWC - Large Municipal Waste Combustors

There are recent developments regarding the definition of energy recovery under CISWI. Federal Register Notice (69 FR 7390), dated February 12, 2004, discusses possible amendments to the definitions under CISWI and requests public comments on these definitions.

The final response to the comments solicited by the Federal Register Notice dated February 12, 2004 are detailed in the Federal Register Notice (70 FR 55566) dated September 22, 2005.

Quick Definitions on Incinerator Types (PDF, 13 KB, 4 pages)

Detailed Definitions of Waste Types Under Federal Incinerator Regulations (PDF, 38 KB, 3 pages)

Background documents for Incinerator Regulations

Existing (old) incinerators are subject to a 40 CFR Part 62 Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) unless your state has made a state plan for that type of incinerator. New incinerators are subject to a 40 CFR Part 60 New Source Performance Standard (NSPS). New or old date is based on the promulgation date for that type of incinerator.

Does It Matter When My Incinerator Was Constructed (PDF, 13 KB, 1page)

State Versus Federal Authority to Implement (PDF, 25 KB, 1 page)

Fact Sheets and Federal Register Notices for existing incinerators:

40 CFR 60 Subpart FFF
Fact Sheet
(PDF, 37 KB, 3 pages)
Multiple Notices
Please see links above
40 CFR 60 Subpart HHH
Fact Sheet
(PDF, 29 KB, 2 pages)
Federal Register Notice (PDF, 312 KB, 28 pages)
40 CFR 60 Subpart III
Fact Sheet
(PDF, 25 KB, 2 pages)
Federal Register Notice (PDF, 247 KB, 37 pages)
40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJ
Fact Sheet
(PDF, 29 KB, 3 pages)
Federal Register Notice (PDF, 627 KB, 45 pages)
40 CFR 60 Subpart EEEE
Fact Sheet
(PDF, 20 KB, 3 pages)
Federal Register Notice (PDF, 344 KB, 55 pages)

Information on NSPS regulations for new incinerators can be found through links above under Incinerator Acronyms.

Please send notifications and requests for determinations to:
Office of Air, Waste and Toxics
1200 Sixth Ave., Suite 900 AWT - 107
Seattle, WA 98101

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