New Source Review Permits | Region 10 | US EPA

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New Source Review Permits

The Federal Clean Air Act and some state/local statutes require the permitting of certain stationary sources before they are constructed or modified. These New Source Review (NSR) permitting requirements in Region 10 are contained in the following five programs:

1) The non-attainment area (NAA) permitting program for certain sources in areas where the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) are exceeded (nonattainment areas);

2) The Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program for permitting major sources in areas where air quality is acceptable (attainment and unclassifiable areas);

3) the toxics NSR program for new and reconstructed sources subject to certain federal air toxics rules;

4) the outer continental shelf (OCS) permitting program for sources located in certain offshore coastal regions (e.g. Alaska); and,

5) expanded nonfederal NSR programs authorized and operated by some state and local air agencies to address smaller (non-major) sources (minor NSR).

The NSR permitting requirements were developed to:
1.Ensure that existing clean air would not be allowed to deteriorate and exceed the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration regulations.
2.Preserve, protect, and enhance the air quality in Class I areas (national parks and wilderness areas), under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration regulations.
3.Ensure that in those areas where the NAAQS are violated appropriate measures are required for attaining the NAAQS.
4. Require sources to meet stringent technology requirements, conduct extensive air quality analyses for both local impact and impact to nearby Class I areas, obtain appropriate emission reductions, and meet public participation requirements.

In many cases the federal NSR programs are implemented by delegated or approved State/local/tribal air agencies. The Region 10 Office advises and assists states, local governments, and tribes on matters relating to the development and implementation of NSR, and takes rulemaking action to approve or disapprove state, local, and tribal implementation of the federal programs. In addition, the Region 10 Office directly administers the federal NSR programs in areas where state/local/tribal NSR programs have not been approved or delegated.

General EPA resources related to NSR:
Technology Transfer Network
Region 7 NSR/AOP database
ract/bact/laer clearing house


Outer Continental Shelf Program (northern coast of Alaska)
Contact Dan Meyer US EPA Region 10 (206) 553-4150

Federal Minerals Management Service

NSR on Tribal Lands
Contact Jeff Kenknight US EPA Region 10 (206) 553-6641
Region 10 Tribal Program Webpage

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