
Atmospheric Physics Home 



Measurements of Spectral Response, July 1997
MOPITT into the vaccuum Chamber,April 20 / 97
Opening the Doors of the MOPITT, April 18 / 97
Arrival of the MOPITT Flight Model (FM) at the UofT, April 16 / 97
MOPITT Engineering Qualification Model (EQM), 1996

MOPITT was successfully launched on December 18 1999, onboard the Terra satellite, the flagship of NASA's EOS (Earth Observing System) program

Terra Launch  18 Dec 1999 
Few sec after
Few more sec

Terra Launch operations

Photos of Launch


MOPITT is Canada's first major instrument to measure pollution of the Earth's atmosphere from space.


MOPITT instrument

MOPITT overview

Terra orbit movie

    The Earth Obs. System


Terra  @ NASA



MOPITT Campaigns and Field Experiments

     2006,    2005,    ...

MOPITT data from the recent campaigns:   Spring 2006



Recent UofT papers:

Kar J., Drummond J.R.,Jones D.B.A., Liu, J., Nichitiu F., Zou J., Gille J. C., Edwards D. P., Deeter M. N. GRL, vol 33, L15819 (2006) (ONLINE)
-Jane Liu, James R. Drummond, Zouhao Cao, Jason Zou, Holger Bremer, Jay Kar, Florian Nichitiu, and John C. Gille.                                     Large horizontal gradients in atmospheric  CO at the synoptic scale as seen by spaceborne Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere.     JGR vol 111, D02306, doi: 10.1029/2005JD006076, 2006.

 &    -Poster at:    AGU and CGU Joint Assembly, 17 - 21 May 2004 ,   Montreal,   Quebec, Canada   (Paper No: A43B-02) ppt   or  pdf


-Liu, J., Drummond, J. R., Li, Q., Gille, J. C., and Ziskin, D. C.
Satellite mapping of CO emission from forest fires in Northwest America using MOPITT measurements
Remonte Sensing of Environment 95 (2005) 502-516  


-Bremer, H., et al.,Spatial and Temporal variations of MOPITT CO in Africa and South America: A comparison with SHADOZ ozone and MODIS aerosolJGR vol 109 (2004) D12304 (ONLINE)


-Nichitiu,F.,et al.,    Solar particle events seen by the MOPITT instrument.  JASTP vol 66 (2004) 1797


-Kar,J., et al.,Evidence of vertical transport of carbon monoxide from Measurement of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT).  GRL  vol 31 (2004), L23105 (ONLINE)


 Cumulative List of Publications concerning MOPITT

More MOPITT publications

MOPITT CO Retrievals - NCAR-Quick-look images   (daily and monthly average plots)


          Updated:  Florian Nichitiu,  May 12, 2008