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Generation IV International Forum

The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) was established in January 2000 to investigate innovative nuclear energy system concepts for meeting future energy challenges. GIF members include Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Euratom, France, Japan, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States, with the OECD-Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency as permanent observers. In July 2006, the GIF voted unanimously to extend an offer of membership to China and Russia, with formal entry expected in November of 2006. The forum serves to coordinate international research and development on promising new nuclear energy systems for meeting future energy challenges.

Map of Member Countries
Map of Member Countries

Image of Roadmap CoverWith international collaboration, approximately 100 system concepts were analyzed and evaluated for their potential to meet the goals of the Generation IV program. The selection of systems for cooperative development by GIF was based on the evaluations of each system's ability to fulfill targeted applications, deployment readiness, and development cost. A Technology Roadmap for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, published in December of 2002, identifies the six systems selected and describes the research and development pathways for establishing technical and commercial viability, demonstration and, potentially, commercialization.

Nuclear Energy for the Future
The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is an eleven-member R&D consortium that is leading the way toward innovative nuclear energy systems. Based on eight far-ranging technology goals, Generation IV nuclear energy systems are aimed at achieving nuclear energy’s potential worldwide. The objective is a new generation of nuclear energy systems that:
  • Advance Nuclear Safety;
  • Address Nuclear Nonproliferation and Physical Protection Issues;
  • Are Competitively Priced, and
  • Minimize Waste and Optimize Natural Resource Utilization.

The GIF has developed a technology roadmap for the six most promising systems. R&D collaborations are based on the preferences of each GIF member, with the goal of developing and possibly demonstrating each system.


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Program Overview
International Collaboration
U.S. Generation IV Priorities
U.S. Accomplishments
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