US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

Strategic Plan for the
Climate Change
Science Program
Final Report, July 2003

Figure 7-1
from Annex C
(Graphics and Photography Source Information)

Figure 7-1: The global carbon cycle. Storages (in petagrams carbon (PgC)) and fluxes (in PgC yr-1) of carbon for the major components of the Earth's carbon cycle are estimated for the 1990s. The carbon storage and flux figures are from the IPCC's Third Assessment Report (IPCC, 2001a). Carbon is exchanged among the atmosphere, oceans, and land, and, more slowly, with sediments and sedimentary rocks. The natural cycling of carbon within the Earth system is fundamental to the capture and storage of the energy that fuels life and human societies and to regulating the climate of the planet. In this figure, the components are simplified and average values are presented. There is strong evidence of significant year-to-year fluctuations in many of the key fluxes (e.g., Figure 7-3), which this static view cannot portray. Source: Graphic courtesy of David Schimel and Lisa Dilling, NCAR; it is updated from UCAR, 2000: The Carbon Cycle. [T. Wigley and D. Schimel (Eds.)] Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, 292 pp. Figure update courtesy of D. Schimel and L. Dilling, NCAR.

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