US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program:
Vision for the Program and
Highlights of the Scientific Strategic Plan
Report released 24 July 2003



 Also available: PDF Version of entire document  (6.7 Mb)

See also:
Full Strategic Plan (364 pages)


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Transmittal Letter to
Members of Congress

July 2003

Members of Congress:

Transmitted herewith is a copy of The U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Vision for the Program and Highlights of the Scientific Strategic Plan. The vision document provides an overview of the Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) long-term strategic plan to enhance scientific understanding of global climate change. This document is a companion to the comprehensive Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program.

The Strategic Plan for the Climate Change Science Program responds to the President's direction that climate change research activities be accelerated to provide the best possible scientific information to support public discussion and decisionmaking on climate-related issues. The plan also responds to Section 104 of the Global Change Research Act of 1990, which mandates the development and periodic updating of a long-term national global change research plan coordinated through the National Science and Technology Council. This is the first comprehensive update of a strategic plan for U.S. global change and climate change research since the original plan for the U.S. Global Change Research Program was adopted at the inception of the program in 1989.

The President established the U.S. Climate Change Science Program in 2002 as part of a new cabinet-level management structure to oversee public investments in climate change science and technology. The new management structure also includes the Climate Change Technology Program, which is responsible for accelerating climate-related technology research and development. The CCSP incorporates the U.S. Global Change Research Program, established by the Global Change Research Act, and the Climate Change Research Initiative, established by the President in 2001. The Program coordinates and integrates scientific research on global change and climate change sponsored by 13 participating departments and agencies of the U.S. Government.

The CCSP, under the direction of the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, reports through the Interagency Working Group on Climate Change Science and Technology to the cabinet-level Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration. The chairmanship of these coordinating bodies rotates annually between the Departments of Commerce and Energy, with the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy serving as the Executive Director of the cabinet-level committee.

The CCSP strategic plan, though disseminated by the Department of Commerce, was developed through a multi-agency collaboration and has benefited substantially from external review of an earlier discussion draft by a special committee of the National Academy of Sciences -- National Research Council, as well as extensive public review by hundreds of scientists and stakeholders. The strategic plan document contains a more detailed discussion of the goals and priorities for the program and how climate and global change research activities will be integrated.

The CCSP strategic plan reflects a commitment to high-quality research that advances the frontiers of science and outlines an integrated approach for developing an improved understanding of climate change and its potential impacts. The program described in the vision and strategic plan documents will meet the highest standards of credibility and transparency to support public evaluation of climate change issues.

We thank the participating departments and agencies of the CCSP for their close cooperation and support and look forward to working with Congress in the continued development of these important programs.


Spencer Abraham
Secretary of Energy
Chair, Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration

Donald L. Evans
Secretary of Commerce
Vice Chair, Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration

John H. Marburger III, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Director, Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration

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