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Contact Us

Mailing Address:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of General Counsel
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (2310A)
Washington, DC 20460

Main phone number:
(202) 564-8040  

Main fax number:
(202) 564-1778

Contact information for individual offices:

Air and Radiation Law Office
Associate General Counsel:
Richard Ossias
Phone: (202) 564-7606

Pesticides and Toxic Substances
Law Office
Associate General Counsel:
Brenda Mallory
Phone: (202) 564-5375
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Law Office

Rich Kuhlman
Phone: (202) 564-2922
Resource Management Office
Katrina Cherry
Phone: (202) 564-8880

Civil Rights and Finance
Law Office

Associate General Counsel:
Stephen Pressman
Phone: (202) 564-2738
Solid Waste and Emergency
Law Office
Associate General Counsel:
Mary Kay Lynch
Phone: (202) 564-7706
Cross-Cutting Issues
Law Office

Associate General Counsel:
Carol Ann Siciliano
Phone: (202) 564-7622
Water Law Office
Associate General Counsel:
Steve Neugeboren
Phone: (202) 564-7700

General Law Office
Associate General Counsel:
Robert Friedrich (Acting)
Phone: (202) 564-5323
Ethics Program
Senior Counsel for Ethics / Alternate Agency Ethics Official:
Justina Fugh
Phone: (202) 564-1786

Contact information for individual attorneys or other Office of General Counsel staff can be found through the EPA Employee Directory.

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The Office of General Counsel welcomes your comments, especially those on how we can improve our web site. We strive to respond to every comment or question with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible. Please keep in mind that Office of General Counsel attorneys do not generally provide legal advice to the public, perform legal research for the public, or serve as counsel to members of the public.

Please help us respond to your comment by including a correct e-mail address. We receive many messages that we can't respond to because of incorrect e-mail addresses. Also, if you are referring to a specific page within our web site, please include a URL or title for the site. If your browser doesn't support forms, you can e-mail your comment to webmaster.ogc@epa.gov.

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