The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been established by WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation. It is open to all Members of the UN and of WMO.

New HTML Format! Frequently Asked Questions about Climate Change (FAQs) New HTML Format!
  FAQ 2.1, Figure 1

How do human activities contribute
to climate change and how do they
compare with natural influences?

For the answer to this and other
Frequently Asked Questions,
please see the online (html) FAQs


"Frequently Asked Questions and
Selected Technical Summary Boxes"

(a new brochure available in pdf format)

High resolution publication  format  [32.6 MB]
Low resolution publication  format  [6.6 MB]
IPCC AR4 WG1 Report
The Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is available in print and electronic formats. The printed publication, along with the companion CD-ROM, may be purchased from Cambridge University Press. The Summary for Policymakers (SPM), Technical Summary (TS), individual Chapters, and other materials of the Working Group I report are available in pdf format. Supplementary Material is provided in a mixture of pdf and online formats. The FAQs are available in online and pdf formats.
  Report in Electronic Print Format  
  Summary for Policymakers (SPM), Technical Summary (TS), individual Chapters, Supplementary Material, and other materials of the Working Group I report –

• Errata  (updated, 5 August 2008)
• Print versions (pdf)  (available, 30 August 2007)
  Report in Hardcopy Print Format  
  The report is available for purchase from the Cambridge University Press. To order, please visit the
Cambridge University Press web site.
IPCC AR4 WG1 Powerpoint Presentations
  • A Powerpoint presentation, "Assessing the Physical Science of Climate Change: IPCC Working Group 1 (2007)", from material presented by Dr. Susan Solomon (co-chair WG I) at the Royal Society London and the Norwegian Academy of Sciences, is available in the following languages:
English: "Assessing the Physical Science of Climate Change: IPCC Working Group 1 (2007)"
Français: "Les Bases scientifiques physiques du changement climatique: Groupe de Travail 1
     du GIEC (2007)"
Russian: "Оценка физического аспекта науки об изменении климата: МГЭИК,"
     Рабочая Группа 1 (2007)"
Note: The translated presentations are not official IPCC translations - they have been produced to provide a service to the international scientific community.

• Powerpoint presentation – "Attribution Animation", from the 27th Session of the IPCC, November 2007.

IPCC AR4 WG1 Report Materials
  •  Powerpoint files containing the figures from the Summary for Policymakers (SPM),
         Technical Summary (TS), and individual Chapters.

•  Access to reviewers' comments and the authors' responses to those comments.
         (offsite link to Harvard College Library)

Press Conference Webcast
  A webcast of the press conference to announce approval of the IPCC Working Group I Fourth Assessment Report Summary for Policymakers took place on Friday, 2 February 2007, at 9:30 a.m. Central European Time (3:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time).

The webcast provided an audio record of the press conference synchronized with slides.  An archived Video On Demand (VOD) version (offsite web page) is available.

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Updated: 06-Aug-2008 15:16