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Region 10: The Pacific Northwest
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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EPA Resumes Alaska RCRA Program
    Alaska Hazardous Waste Program:

    On July 1, 1996, the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 assumed primary responsibility for the regulation of hazardous waste management in the State of Alaska. The State of Alaska, through its legislative disinvestment, transferred the responsibility to EPA for implementation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Congress had intended for States to assume responsibility for implementing the RCRA program with oversight from the Federal government because they believe the States are more familiar with the regulated community and are in a better position to administer the programs and respond to specific State and local needs. In the past, EPA and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) jointly managed RCRA inspections and enforcement in Alaska. ADEC conducted most of the inspections, sent "Notice of Violations" and referred violators to EPA Region 10 for follow-up enforcement action.

    Now, due to changes in Alaska state government, ADEC will no longer implement the RCRA hazardous waste management program as it had in the past. EPA is now responsible for inspections and enforcement actions in the State of Alaska and will continue to oversee site cleanups, issue RCRA permits and regulate closures of hazardous waste facilities in Alaska.

    Toll-free Hazardous Waste Information:

    A toll-free number for obtaining hazardous waste information in Alaska has been set up in the Office of Waste and Chemicals Management (OWCM) in Seattle. For information and/or technical assistance regarding the RCRA program in Alaska call: 1-800-550-RCRA (1-800-550-7272) (from within AK only).

Unit: Resources Mgmt. & State Programs Unit

Last Updated (mm/dd/yy): 10/03/2007

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