Learn about NREL's research and development of renewable fuels and electricity that advance national energy goals to change the way we power our homes, businesses, and cars.
The University of Colorado's Solar Decathlon house will be the the Solar Technology Acceleration Center's visitors' center.
Air travelers landing in Denver soon can look out on a field of glittering solar panels as NREL helps launch America's largest shared commercial solar testing facility. Energy companies and scientists will use the site to test, validate and demonstrate technologies before commercial deployment. Full story
Alliance for Sustainable Energy Awarded NREL Contract
NREL’s Clean Energy Forum Attracts National Investment Community
October 30, 2008
NREL Solar Technologies Recognized with Special R&D 100 Honors
October 24, 2008
The Center for Optoelectronics and Optical Communications 7th Annual Symposium on Solar Power
November 6, 2008
Charlotte, NC