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Bill Frank - Jacksonville, Florida

David Knott - SERTC

David Knott - SERTC

Pomacea paludosa  

Common Name: Florida applesnail

Taxonomy: available through ITIS logo


This species is the largest freshwater gastropod in North America (Burch 1982).  It is globose in shape, body whorls are wide, spire is depressed, and the aperature is narrowly oval (Burch 1982).  They are brown in color and have a striped pattern.

Size: 60 mm in length and width (Burch 1982)

Native Range: Central and southern Florida (Thompson 1984); Cuba; Hispanola (Dundee 1974).

auto-generated map
Interactive maps: Continental US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico

Nonindigenous Occurrences: It has limited northern distribution in Florida. Collections have been made in Georgia, Oahu, Hawaii (Devick 1991),  Louisiana, and Oklahoma (Dundee 1974).

Ecology: Tropical species. Amphibious, but can survive dry seasons (Burch1982).  Applesnails have both gills and lungs.

Means of Introduction:



Impact of Introduction: Unknown



Burch, J. B. 1982. North American freshwater snails.Walkerana 1(4):217-365.

Dundee, D. S. 1974. Catalog of introduced molluscs of eastern North America (north of Mexico). Sterkiana 55:1-37.

Thompson, F.G. 1984. The freshwater snails of Florida: a manual for identification. University of Florida Press, Gainesville, Florida, 94 pp.

Other Resources:

Pomacea paludosa (Florida applesnail) (Gulf of Mexico Program)

Pomacea paludosa (The apple snail website)

Collecting Florida applesnails (Pomacea paludosa) from wetland habitats using funnel traps.

Key to the applesnails of Florida

The applesnails of Florida

Habitat related growth of juvenile Florida applesnails (Pomacea paludosa)

Growth and survival of Florida apple snail (Pomacea paludosa) fed 3 naturally occurring macrophyte assemblages

Identification of applesnails (Pomacea) in U.S. waters (R. Howells, Texas Parks and Wldlife)

A comparison of sampling techniques for quantifying abundance of the Florida applesnail (Pomacea paludosa Say)

Apple Snail Habitat Suitability Index

Jacksonville Shells

Author: A. Benson

Revision Date: 4/24/2006

Citation for this information:
A. Benson. 2009. Pomacea paludosa. USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL.
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