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Ichthyomyzon unicuspis   (Hubbs and Trautman 1937)

Common Name: silver lamprey

Taxonomy: available through ITIS logo

Identification: Trautman (1981); Smith (1985); Page and Burr (1991); Etnier and Starnes (1993); Pflieger (1997).

Size: 39 cm.

Native Range: St. Lawrence-Great Lakes basin from Quebec to southwestern Ontario and south through upper Mississippi ans Ohio River basins to central Tennessee. Nelson River, Manitoba; Missouri River, Nebraska; and Mississippi River, Mississippi (Page and Burr 1991). Not reported from Arkansas (Robison and Buchanan 1988).

auto-generated map
Interactive maps: Continental US, Hawaii, Puerto Rico

Nonindigenous Occurrences: Introduced into the Hudson River basin, New York, where it was first collected in 1974 (Mills et al. 1997). It has been collected from the Hudson River at Stillwater, Albany, and Nyack (Smith 1985).

Means of Introduction: Canal connection. Probably gained access from Lake Champlain to the Hudson River via the Champlain-Hudson Canal (Smith 1985; Mills et al. 1997).

Status: Reported in New York.

Impact of Introduction: Unknown, however, this species is parasitic and feeds on trout, whitefish, smelt, pike, white sucker, black buffalo, brown bullhead, carp, rock bass, walleye, paddlefish, sturgeons, and gars (Smith 1985).

Remarks: None.


Page, L. M., and B. M. Burr. 1991. A field guide to freshwater fishes of North America north of Mexico. The Peterson Field Guide Series, volume 42. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA.
Whitworth, W. R. 1996. Freshwater Fishes of Connecticut. State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut, Bulletin 114.

Other Resources:
FishBase Fact Sheet

Author: Pam Fuller

Revision Date: 12/5/2003

Citation for this information:
Pam Fuller. 2009. Ichthyomyzon unicuspis. USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Database, Gainesville, FL.
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