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Rule and Implementation Information for Halogenated Cleaning Solvents(Degreasing Organic Cleaners)

Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-0009  (Legacy Docket# A-95-20)

last updated

Rule Information Technical Information Implementation Information

Rule Information

Proposed and Promulgated Rules

Subpart T - National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning

Date Citation Action Description File Download
10/20/08 73 FR 62383 Proposal National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning; Proposed Rule
5/03/07 72 FR 25138 Final National Air Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Halogenated Solvent Cleaning; Final Rule
12/14/06 71 FR 75182 Notice National Air Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, Halogenated Solvent Cleaning: Notice of Data Availability
08/17/06 71 FR 47670 Proposal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Halogenated Solvent Cleaning; Proposed Rule
12/19/05 70 FR 75320 Final Exemption of Certain Area Sources From Title V Operating Permit Programs; Final Rule
03/25/05 70 FR 15250 Propasal Proposal To Exempt Area Sources Subject to NESHAP From Federal and State Operating Permit Programs
03/31/93 58 FR 16808 Proposed Rules Request for Comments not available
11/29/93 58 FR 62588 Proposed Rules Original Proposal incl. Method 30 not available
12/02/94 59 FR 61801 Rules/Regulations Original Promulgation incl. Method 307[TTN File]
12/30/94 59 FR 67750 Correction Existing Source Compliance Date
06/05/95 60 FR 29485 Rules/Regulations Corrections and Clarifications, Including Wipe Cleaning Exemption, Solvent Use, Cross-Rod Degreasers, Small Containers
05/05/98 63 FR 24765 Final Rules Provides temporary stay of the applicable compliance date beyond the 3 months of the stay for up to 1 year for web cleaning machines. Includes 2 definitions.  
12/11/98 63 FR 68397 Final Rules Final rule provides a compliance extension for web cleaning machines until 12/2/99.
7/13/99 64 FR 37734 Proposed Rule Proposal to permanently exempt non major (or "area") batch cold solvent cleaning machines from Federal operating permit program.
7/13/99 64 FR 37683 Final Rules Direct final rule permanently exempting non major (or "area") batch cold solvent cleaning machines from Federal operating permit program.
8/19/99 64 FR 45115 Proposed Rule Title V Operating Permit Deferrals for Area Sources: National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks; Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigations Operations; Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities; Halogenated Solvent Cleaning Machines; and Secondary Lead Smelting.
8/19/99 64 FR 451897 Final Rules Direct final rule offers compliance options for continuous web cleaning machines, as well as amendments to the NESHAP that apply to steam-heated vapor cleaning machines and to cleaning machines used to clean transformers.
10/18/99 64 FR 56173 Final Rules Withdraw of direct final rule published 8/19/99 64 FR 45187.
12/3/99 64 FR 67793 Final Rules Finalizes compliance options for continuous web cleaning machines, as well as amendments to the NESHAP that apply to steam-heated vapor cleaning machines and to cleaning machines that used to clean transformers.
12/14/99 64 FR 69637 Final Rules Title V Operating Permit Deferrals for Area Sources: National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks; Ethylene Oxide Commercial Sterilization and Fumigations Operations; Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Facilities; Halogenated Solvent Cleaning Machines; and Secondary Lead Smelting
09/08/00 65 FR 54419 Final Rule Final rule; corrections and clarifications.

NOTE:  All files are Government Printing Office (GPO) files unless otherwise indicated.

Settlements  (no files currently available)

Closely Related Rules, Policies or Program Guidance

9/94 National Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources (NSPS) Cold Cleaning Machine Operations [TTN file]    (WPD format)


Halogenated Solvent Expert System. The site will link to an automated system where you are asked questions about your HSC operations and, based on your responses, compliance options available will be outlined. Exit EPA disclaimer


Technical Information

Background Information Document(BID)/Response to comments

11/94 Halogenated Solvent Cleaning BID for Final Standards (EPA 453/R-94-071)    (WPD format)
11/93 Halogenated Solvent Cleaning BID for Proposed Standards (EPA 453/R-93-054) not available

Question and Answers (Q&A)

[see also Compliance and Enforcement Information]
12/98 Halogenated Solvent Q&As  
2/00 Q&A - Can Subpart T source, that replaces all equipment with new equipment that has PTE less than major source threshold, be deferred from title V permitting?
3/00 Q&A - Can Subpart T source take PTE limits after the "first compliance date" to become a non-major source for Subpart T and be deferred from title V permitting?

FACT Sheets

12/94 FACT SHEET - Technical - Final Rule
12/94 FACT SHEET - Table 1, Control Combinations for Idling Limit Alternatives for Solvent Cleaning Machines (view with Final Technical Fact Sheet)

Risk Assessment Information  (no files currently available)


Implementation Information

Implementation Documents

July 2004 Guidance Document for the Halogenated Solvent Cleaner NESHAP  (EPA-453/R-94-081)
  Report Forms Only Version of the 5/95 Guidance, except the Annual Report modified 6/06.
  Annual Report Only - modified 6/06
  Appendix F: Reporting forms for Batch Vapor and In-Line, Annual Report Form modified 6/06
  Appendix G: Batch cold cleaning work practice requirements and reporting forms.   
3/95 Brochure:  New Regulations Controlling Air Emissions from Solvent Cleaning Machines (EPA 453/F-94-083).
9/97 National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning: Summary of Requirements for Implementing the NESHAP (EPA-456/R-96-005)(Revised 4/30/04).  

Source Identification and Location Information  (no files currently exist)

Outreach and Training Materials

11/97 Letter to Small Business (SB) owners. Notice of HSC Compliance Date.
11/97 Letter to Small Business (SB) Vendors, Trade Association or Assistance Providers.
Notice of HSC Compliance Date.
11/97 Small Business Fact Sheet:  Subpart T, halogenated solvent Cleaning Machine Compliance Incentives for Small Businesses.
1997 Fact Sheet for Carburetor Cleaner and Notice of Compliance Deadline for Halogenated Solvent Cold Cleaning (from Lincoln-Lancaster County Heath Department, Nebraska).  Also available in Page Maker and hard copy. Contact Jim Hadley, P.E., 402-441-6235.

Permitting Information

EPA Region 5 Permit Library.  This links to EPA's Region 5 reference library for MACT permit conditions.  The site has been developed by EPA Region 5 and the Region 5 States (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI). Permit examples for Subpart T are available.

Compliance and Enforcement Information

10/97 Compliance Time Line:
File contains a one page time line which identifies reporting dates for initial notification, equivalency requests, annual compliance reports, initial statement of compliance report, notification of planned performance test, idling emission test report and semi-annual exceed reports.
12/11/97 Memorandum:   Reporting Dates and Test Method 307.
Memorandum clarifies the annual emission report due date and discusses Test method 307.
3/22/99 Memorandum:   Guidance on Subpart T batch cold cleaning equipment standards.
Memorandum provides an overview of the equipment standards and guidance on determining the thickness of the water layer.
4/99 Memorandum:   Freeboard ratio requirements on enclosed design machines.
Memorandum clarifies the purpose of increased freeboard and discusses how a horizontal port enclosed design with superheated vapor technology could be a reasonable equivalent to increased freeboard.
4/19/99 Memorandum:   Applicability of Subpart T to the cleaning of PCB contaminated transformers.
Memorandum clarifies that EPA did not intent Subpart T to cover cleaning of porous materials that are part of PCB laden transformers, so long as such materials are handled and disposed of in compliance with an approved PCB permit issued under the Toxics Substance Control Act of section 761.79, PCB decontamination standards and procedures.
7/24/01 Letter - EPA Region I to Associated Spring: Request for Applicability Determination on halogenated solvent cleaning NESHAP and Title V Operating Permit Program [letter will also be available on the EPA Applicability Determination Index (ADI)]

Applicability Determination Index (ADI).  The ADI is maintained by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and provides a data base of memoranda dealing with applicability issues.  The database is searchable by Subpart.
Iron and Steel Sector Notebook.   Sector notebooks are developed by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) and contain multimedia information (air, water, and land pollutant release data) for a specific industry. OECA page search results indicate that Subpart T may be addressed under "Iron and Steel".

State Programs

The Environmental Council of the States.   Exit EPA disclaimer   The website provides state delegation information for environmental programs. To view delegation information for a specific state or for a specific program, go to http://www.sso.org. To see delegation information for the Clean Air Act specifically, go to http://www.sso.org/ecos/states/statutes/caa.htm.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Pollution Prevention Publications Page. Exit EPA disclaimer  Website contains links to P2 publications available for a variety of topics, including Halogenated Solvent Cleaning.  Halogenated solvent information includes: (1) P2 tips for halogenated solvent cleaning include: "Choosing a Cleaning Method," "Reducing Waste From Solvent Sink Parts Washers," and "Alternatives to Halogenated Cleaning."  (2) Articles on halogenated solvent cleaning include: "No-Clean Technology."
Washington State Department of Ecology Degreasing Ecology Fact Sheet.   Exit EPA disclaimer    Ecology Fact Sheet - Understanding Regulations on Solvent Cleaning Equipment, Publication #94-213a, November 1996, 2 pages.


National Metal Finishing Resource Center (NMFRC). Exit EPA disclaimer  Free membership to the NMFRC can be obtained on-line. The NMFRC is geared primarily toward the metal finishing industry. To find Halogenated Solvent related information, go to "Members", "Technical Database", "Search by Keyword" then enter "halogenated solvents".
Other Compliance Assistance Centers.  Exit EPA disclaimer  EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) has created several compliance assistance centers in addition to NMFRC which may be valuable to industry in obtaining regulatory and compliance information. This link goes to the main compliance assistance center webpage which lists all centers currently available with a brief description of what type of information the center provides.


Exit EPA disclaimer   NOTE:  Most links on this page are pointers to other hosts and locations in the Internet. This information is provided as a service; however the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not endorse, approve or otherwise support these sites.

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