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News Releases GSA Offers Capital Planning for IT Investments Training


April 3, 1997
Contact: Bill Bearden
(202) 501-1231;

In the interest of improving financial decision-making in the federal government, a series of laws have been enacted, such as the Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996, which require agencies to apply sound financial planning and investment techniques to the development of IT strategies and to the acquisition and management of IT systems.

The U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP) today announced it is offering a series of Information Technology Capital Planning Courses for federal IT managers and specialists starting April 17. Information covered will include capital planning tools and techniques, the use of capital planning in IT programs, and the legislation that requires its use in IT management.

"We have conducted two workshops on capital planning for IT investments," said OGP capital planning program manager Richard Kellett. "More than 200 people from 50 federal agencies and bureaus attended."

One thing that became very apparent during these workshops Kellett said was that while the government is working hard to implement the requirements of ITMRA and related legislation, there is a widespread need among federal IT specialists for focused training in "best practices" for capital planning principles and techniques. "This is new to the government," he said, "and GSA is going to do all it can to help agencies in this important initiative."

GSA has scheduled courses from April through September 1997. Starting April 17, GSA in conjunction with the LEADS Corporation will offer one to three-day workshops on IT Capital Planning Basics, Comprehensive Capital Planning, IT Project Management, IT Portfolio Planning and Federal IT Planning Policy

For program information contact Richard Kellett at (202) 501-1650 or To register or for additional course information, call the LEADS Corporation at (703) 769-5650 or e-mail to On-line registration is available at The contract number you should reference is BPA# CAFP-BPA-97-0048 and these are listed under GSA Federal Supply Schedule GS-35F-4465G.

Kellett said by implementing the financial management practices learned through this series of courses, agency IT managers and specialists will be able to significantly improve the acquisition, use and disposal of IT systems, plus analyze, track and evaluate the risks and results of their investment decisions. "This is very much in line with the Government Performance and Results Act," he said.

The GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy (OGP) was established in December 1996. The creation of this office separates governmentwide policy from GSA service operations and consolidates policy-making, planning, and evaluation for information technology as well as other areas of responsibility. The mission of OGP is to work with the federal community to establish governmentwide policies that maximize the effectiveness of federal employees and government assets, minimize costs, and ensure fairness.

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