Media Contacts

Reporters and education writers may contact ED.  GO >

At the National Education Summit, Secretary Spellings announced five Leading Education Indicators: "Do kids know how to read and do math? Are minority students lagging behind their classmates? Are kids graduating from high school on time? Are they prepared for college work? And have they earned a degree? These five indicators...with NCLB...provide a barometer of success."  GO >
Press Photo - See Caption Photos

Secretary Spellings with students and teachers at Columbia High School in Columbia, South Carolina.
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See caption to the left
See caption to the left
See videos of NCLB success stories, Secretary Spellings, and the 2007 Teacher of the Year. Watch webcasts on improving math and science instruction, keeping children safe, and more.  GO >

Sound clips about the Nation's Report Card, future of higher education, hurricane relief, and more.   GO >
Fact Sheets

Fact sheets on No Child Left Behind, the American Competitiveness Initiative, higher education, choice, and more.   GO >

Email updates on No Child Left Behind and ED grants, federal teaching resources, and education innovations.   GO >