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1998 Progress Report: Multi-scaled assessment methods: Prototype development within the Interior Columbia River Basin.

EPA Grant Number: R825465
Title: Multi-scaled assessment methods: Prototype development within the Interior Columbia River Basin.
Investigators: Bourgeron, Patrick , Davis, Frank , Humphries, Hope , Milne, Bruce , Poff, N. LeRoy
Institution: University of Colorado at Boulder
Current Institution: University of Colorado
EPA Project Officer: Levinson, Barbara
Project Period: February 1, 1997 through January 31, 2000 (Extended to January 31, 2001)
Project Period Covered by this Report: February 1, 1997 through January 31, 1998
Project Amount: $1,516,180
RFA: Ecological Assessment (1996)
Research Category: Ecological Indicators/Assessment/Restoration



This study of multi-scaled relationships among terrestrial and aquatic variables of importance for ecological assessment in the interior Columbia River basin (ICRB) has six objectives: link and quantify biophysical and biological patterns of terrestrial and aquatic systems (Objectives 1 and 2), develop new methods for predicting ecological patterns (Objective 3), develop and evaluate the performance of hierarchical ecological classifications (HECs) to represent and scale spatial patterns and processes (Objectives 4 and 5), and prototype methods of representativeness assessments for conservation (Objective 6).

Progress Summary:

Objectives 4-6 were addressed in the second year of the project. We designed three study plans for Objective 4 and Objective 5. In the first study, the power of HECs to represent vegetation and aquatic patterns and disturbances at three spatial scales was tested. Terrestrial and aquatic databases were integrated to examine how much an existing terrestrial HEC and two de novo HECs based respectively on indirect (e.g., lithology) and direct (e.g., climate) variables can effectively represent terrestrial and aquatic patterns and processes across scales. We then tested whether commonly used indirect variables are effective surrogates for direct variables for terrestrial and aquatic HECs. Results indicate that the three HECs exhibit strong relationships that vary with spatial scale and pattern of interest. This work provides a basis for evaluation and comparison of the power of different HECs to represent and scale aquatic and terrestrial spatial patterns and processes.

The second study tested the use of commonly employed coarse-resolution land cover data to discriminate ecoregions and landscape-scale features important in ecological assessments. Two spatial scales and two classification levels were considered. Results suggest that coarse-resolution data should be examined for patterns of inconsistent characterization within ecoregions with contrasting landscape textures, and that biases in such data should be fully understood before being used.

The third study comprised a regional gradient analysis and investigation of spatial patterns of vegetation in the ICRB. We identified and quantified environmental factors associated with regional gradients in the composition of vegetation and plant functional types (PFTs) within the study area, and determined how these factors change with geographic extent and location. We concluded that geographic scale, geographic position, and scale of vegetation organization influence both the environmental correlates of vegetation and PFT distribution and the relative contribution of zonal variables (e.g., elevation) and categories of explanatory variables (e.g., regional, local) to total variation explained (TVE).

Objective 6 was addressed in a representativeness assessment of regional conservation networks using fuzzy logic models. Three steps are required for conducting representativeness assessment: (1) delineation of land polygons, (2) determination of the suitability of such polygons for conservation, and (3) selection among polygons for inclusion in a conservation network. Steps 1 and 2 were implemented this year. Land polygons were delineated by overlaying maps of potential vegetation and ecological land units. New technology, a knowledge-based (KB) system, was utilized to assess polygon suitability for conservation. The KB is comprised of hierarchically arranged fuzzy-logic networks that assign suitability ratings based on logical relationships among land polygon attributes. The KB was implemented in an application framework that links it with databases containing polygon attributes in a GIS environment. It provided an explicit and flexible process that integrated current knowledge and available data concerning conservation targets in a manner that enabled visualization of the spatial implications of knowledge base structures. A preliminary assessment of the existing network of conservation areas in the ICRB was conducted.

Project accomplishments include: (1) implementation of the first conservation example of new technology, a knowledge-based system, which will facilitate conservation network selection; and (2) design and implementation of tests of the ability of HECs to represent the regional variation in specific patterns and processes. Results will allow governmental agencies and NGOs to test whether the stratification of an area into ecoregions results in increased confidence in management decisions and whether existing systems can be used with no new R&D cost, or whether new R&D should take place before decisions are made.

Future Activities:

In the third year, we will conduct further comparisons of systems of ecological classifications, develop additional predictive models of species, species diversity, and community distributions including use of renormalization techniques, and continue to conduct representativeness assessment.

Journal Articles on this Report: 4 Displayed | Download in RIS Format

Other project views: All 37 publications 18 publications in selected types All 5 journal articles

Type Citation Project Document Sources
Journal Article Bourgeron PS, Humphries HC, Barber JA, Turner SJ, Jensen ME, Goodman IA. Impact of broad- and fine-scale patterns on regional landscape characterization using AVHRR-derived land cover data. Ecosystem Health 1999;5(4):234-258. R825465 (1998)
R825465 (1999)
R825465 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Jensen ME, Dibenedetto JP, Barber JA, Montagne C, Bourgeron PS. Spatial modeling of rangeland potential vegetation environments. Journal of Range Management 2001;54(5):528-536. R825465 (1998)
R825465 (1999)
R825465 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Jensen ME, Redmond RL, Goodman IA, Sobecki T, Bourgeron PS. Use of ecological classifications in the assessment of rangeland health. Ecosystem Health. R825465 (1998)
R825465 (1999)
R825465 (Final)
not available
Journal Article Kan AT, Hunter MA, Fu GM, Tomson MB. Effectiveness of chemically enhanced solubilization of hydrocarbons. Spe Production & Facilities 1997;12(3):153-157 R825465 (1998)
R825465 (1999)
R825465 (Final)
R825513C015 (Final)
R825513C016 (Final)
not available
Supplemental Keywords:

watershed, ecosystem, aquatic, multi-scaled assessment, climate, fuzzy logic, modeling, geography. , Ecosystem Protection/Environmental Exposure & Risk, Scientific Discipline, RFA, Ecosystem/Assessment/Indicators, exploratory research environmental biology, Aquatic Ecosystems & Estuarine Research, Aquatic Ecosystem, Ecological Indicators, Ecological Effects - Human Health, Chemical Mixtures - Environmental Exposure & Risk, Ecological Effects - Environmental Exposure & Risk, Ecosystem Protection, Ecology and Ecosystems, risk assessment, biophysical variables, numerical classification techniques, prototype development, regional conservation planning, aquatic ecosystems, spatial analysis, evaluating alternative land management strategies, landscape classification, multi-scaled assessment methods, predicting bioenvironments

Progress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract
1999 Progress Report
Final Report

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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