United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
Invention Reporting
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Intellectual Property Made Under Agricultural Research Service Awards

NOTE:   Inventions made by ARS scientists MUST  ONLY be reported to the ARS Office of Technology Transfer Patent Advisor for your Area. (ARS Patent Advisors )

Invention reporting by non-ARS scientists conducting research under a Federal award with ARS funding should be made electronically through the Interagency Edison reporting system.  See information and guidelines below.

 • Interagency Edison
 • Requirements for Awards Made Starting July 1, 2002
 • Informative Notice for Awards Made Prior to July 1, 2002
 • 37 CFR 401 – Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms under Government Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements
Transfer of Rights (non-ARS scientists)

 • To Inventor

Last Modified: 09/25/2003