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Beyond the Basics - Achieving and Maintaining Excellence

Guidelines to Participation

Partners can derive the most benefit from Natural Gas STAR by incorporating its principles into day-to-day operations. Raising awareness about the Program and motivating employees to proactively seek out—and communicate about—new opportunities promotes strong participation and success without requiring significant additional resources. In this way, Natural Gas STAR approaches are incorporated into daily operations, and are not something “extra” that employees have to do. This section provides a brief description of concepts and ideas used by partners to generate this corporate momentum. These ideas and concepts are flexible and can be applied to companies large and small:

At EnCana, our efforts started in the environmental group, but we quickly learned that these efforts affect multiple stakeholders within and outside EnCana.  It is crucial to communicate and coordinate your efforts with Operations, Senior Management, Community Relations and Government Affairs. EnCana is working towards a formalized Cross Functional Team because we see this as a critical step to ensuring success of the EPA Natural Gas STAR Program within EnCana.
Scott Mason
Natural Gas STAR Implementation Manager for EnCana

Form a Cross-Functional Team (CFT): Partners have found that establishing cross-functional Natural STAR teams can facilitate comprehensive execution of the Program. By engaging representatives from management, EH&S, operations and maintenance, engineering, supply chain and project planning, Natural Gas STAR principles and messages can reach a wider audience. By educating these representatives on Natural Gas STAR, each can contribute ideas for how the Program can be implemented within their function. Quarterly or monthly meetings of the team can facilitate outward communication to others in the company as well as inward communication regarding new ideas, achievements or successes. In addition to considering technologies and practices for implementation, the CFT can identify key stakeholders, consider how the team is going to communicate its program, and identify and resolve barriers. Benefits of a functional team include:

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Evaluate Methane Emission Reduction Opportunities: The Natural Gas STAR Program has developed a broad range of tools and technical resources to help evaluate and implement proven methane emission reduction activities. Periodic reviews of the following resources can ensure that a company is aware of the latest technologies and practices that are relevant for their industry sector.

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Help Natural Gas STAR ensure continued success for the Program and peer companies by submitting new and innovative ideas. Please share your ideas!

Partner companies are our biggest advocates. By sharing thoughts and ideas, companies can help Natural Gas STAR to diversify Program support products, reach new, existing and potential partners, and strengthen the overall program. Please contact your Natural Gas STAR EPA Program Manager or STAR Service Representative.

Engage Natural Gas STAR for One-on-One Technical Assistance: The Natural Gas STAR Program provides additional personalized services to further assist companies in making the most of their participation by identifying, prioritizing and implementing methane emission reduction activities.

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Communicate Success: Natural Gas STAR partner companies work hard to advance emission reduction technologies and practices. Effectively communicating success helps a company to maintain momentum, further engage employees, and share achievements with other stakeholders. Sharing accomplishments and innovations with the Natural Gas STAR Program can also facilitate technology transfer to other partner companies. The Natural Gas STAR Program has various templates that were specifically designed to communicate success stories. As part of any communications effort, consider involving internal media representatives or public relations and corporate communications staff who can help effectively communicate your success.

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