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General Subject Publications

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Publication NamePublication Description
20 Ways To Reuse A Paper Grocery Bag
20 ways to use and reuse a paper bag.
American Forest & Paper Association
2005, Flyer, 1 page
2000 Buy-Recycled Series:MiscellaneousEPA 530-F-00-012
June 2000, Booklet
2000 Buy-Recycled Series:Paper ProductsEPA 530-F-00-013
June 2000, Booklet
37 Year Environmental Timeline
Chart showing the achievements of the EPA from 1970 through 2005
Brochure / poster
A Citizen's Guide For Using Federal Environmental Laws To Secure Environmental Justice
A practical guide for community residents who want to know how the environmental laws can be used to promote environment justice in their communities.
Environmental Law Institute
Report, 113 pages
A Guide To Environmentally Preferable Computer PurchasingSeattle Public Utilities
October 2000
Brochure, 6 pages
Access the EPA National Catalog with EPA's Online Library System (OLS) via the WebFact Sheet, 1 page
Advancing Education Through Environmental Literacy
Together with the CD-ROM, this booklet is an introduction to using the environment as a context for learning and a means to help students develop essential skills.
EPA 171-K-04-900
Audio/Visual List
Catalog of videos and other multi-media that is avalaible for loan to residents of EPA Region 10 states, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
U.S. EPA Region 10
Fall/Winder 2007-2008
Catalog, 46 pages
Backyard Conservation
Colorful booklet highlights 10 conservation activities that can be used inyour backyard.
December 2005
Booklet; 28 pages
Buying a Home?Here's What You Need to Know
Information to help you make the right decision for you and your family.
EPA 747-F-99-001
January 2000
Pamphlet, 6 pages
Chemicals in Schools – Community Partners,
What the community can do to help develop a school chemical cleanout program.
EPA 530-F-05-016
April 2006
Brochure; 6 pages
Chemicals in Schools – K-12 Schools,
Helping schools develop a chemical cleanout and prevention program.
EPA 530-F-05-012
April 2006
Brochure; 6 pages
Children's Environmental Exposures
Discusses children's exposures to environmental chemicals and other agents, such as radiation, sunlight, and infectious organisms.
Office of Children's Health Protection
Paper, 25 pages
Children's Environmental Health 2005
A summary of EPA activities
EPA 100-F-05-041
October 2005, Booklet 15 pages
Citizens Guide to Noxious Weeds
Explains what noxious weeds are, where they grow. Has any color photos for easy identification. Although it references King County, Washington , these weeds are wide spread.
King County Noxious Weed Control Program
Booklet; 57 pages
Climate Change and Public Lands
Reduction in tundra and related ecosystems also would mean the loss of mammal and migratory waterfowl habitats.
EPA 236-F-99-004
Brochure, 8 pages
Community Culture and the Environment
Addresses the social and cultural aspects of community-based environmental protection.
EPA 842-B-01-003
November 2002
Manual, 280 pages
Community-Based UV Risk Education
SunWise Program Handbook
EPA 625-R-02-008
July 2002
Compliance Assistance Activity Plan
April 2001 Fiscal Year
EPA 305-R-01-002
Compliance Assistance Centers
Innovative partnerships for environmental compliance.
EPA 305-F-98-032a
Fall 1998, Brochure; 1 page
Developing and Implementing a Bird Migration Monitoring, Assessment, and Public Outreach Program for Your Community
The BirdCast Project. Technology transfer handbook for bird migration monitoring.
EPA 625-R-01-007
September 2001
Manual; 51 pages
Effective Control of Household Pests
Responsible pesticide use indoors.
EPA 100-F-04-009
July 2004
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Effective Control of Household Pests (Chinese)
Information for older adults and family caregivers. Responsible pesticide use indoors.
EPA 100-F-04-018
September 2004
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
English Ivy
Weed bulletin
King County Noxious Weed Control Program
June 2002
Bulletin, 4 pages
Environmental Justice for All
Ensuring environmental protection for all people. That's what the U.S. EPA stands for, and that's what environmental justice is all about.
EPA 300-F-02-004
November 2002
Brochure, 4 pages
Environmental Justice for All (Chinese)
Ensuring environmental protection for all people. That's what the U.S. EPA stands for, and that's what environmental justice is all about.
EPA 300-F-04-003
Brochure, 6 pages
Environmental Justice for All (Spanish)
Ensuring environmental protection for all people. That's what the U.S. EPA stands for, and that's what environmental justice is all about.
EPA 300-F-04-002
Brochure, 6 pages
Environmental Justice for All (Vietnamese)
Ensuring environmental protection for all people. That's what the U.S. EPA stands for, and that's what environmental justice is all about.
EPA 300-F-04-005
Brochure, 6 pages
Environmental Justice Small Grants
Emerging tools for local problem-solving
June 1999
Booklet; 57pages
Environmental Protection Begins with You
A guide to environmental community service.
EPA 530-K-001
July 2006
Pamphlet; 19 pages
EnviroStars Green Business Directory 2007, complete list of businesses certified with EnviroStars program Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Pierce and Whatcom Counties, Washington. King County Natural Resources & Parks
Booklet; 32 pages
EPA's International Programs: Serving U.S. Environmental, Economic, Foreign Policy, and National Security InterestsEPA
Folder, 6 pages
EPA's International Technology Programs
International Program Resources for Global Cleanup
EPA 160-R-96-002
September 1996
Booklet, 16 pages
EPA Region 10 Audio-Visual List
Spring/Summer 2008
Booklet, 51 pages
EPA's Web Site
Brings You a World of Environmental Information
EPA 260-F-00-001
July 2000
Pamphlet; 1 page
Facility Response Planning- Compliance Assistance Guide, To help owners and operators of facilities that store or use oil better understand the Federal Oil Pollution Prevention regulation.EPA 540-K-02-003d
August 2002
Guide; 18 pages
Federal Facilities Enforcement & Compliance Report FY 2000
Enforcement Accomplishments
EPA 315-R-01-002
June 2001
Booklet;32 pages
An environmental bulletin for federal facilities.
Booklet, 27 pages
Free Smart Publications from EPA and Smart Growth Network PartnersEPA 231-F-06-008
September 2006
Pamphlet, 4 pages
FY 2006 OECA Accomplishments Report, Reviews results of the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, for 2006, which ranked among the top three years in the Agency's history.EPA 300-R-07-001
Spring 2007
Report; 29 pages
Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report
This report examines selective aspects of the state of the environment in the binational transboundary region consisting of the Puget Sound region in the United States and the Georgia Basin in Canada, including the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Several Canadian and U.S. agencies
Spring 2002
Report, 22 pages
Getting to Smart Growth
100 Policies for Implementation
EPA 231-R-05-001
Booklet, 97 pages
Getting to Smart Growth II
100 More Policies for Implementation
EPA 231-R-05-002
Booklet, 114 pages
Greenscapes:Environmentally Beneficial Landscaping
The U.S. EPA's Greenscapes program provides cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for large-scale landscaping.
EPA 530-K-03-003
July 2003
Brochure, 11 pages
GreenScaping, The Easy Way to a Greener, Healthier Yard
find out how to plant right for the site, conserve water, reduce yard waste, and use pesticides wisely.
EPA 530-K-06-002
June 2006
Brochure; 12 pages
Greenscaping Your Lawn and Garden
Landscaping Techniques
EPA 530-K-03-002
April 2002
Brochure, 6 pages
Growing Toward More Efficient Water Use: Linking development, infrastructure, and Drinking Water Policies.
Focuses on the nexus between water and growth.
EPA 230-R-06-001
January 2006
Report, 34 pages
Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma
A low literacy guide for parents of children with asthma. The brochure provides parents and caregivers with asthma the information they need to improve their children's quality of life.
EPA 402-F-04-021
November 2004
Booklet; 32 pages
Home Performance with Energy Star
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, a national program from the U.S. EPA and U.S. DOE, offers a comprehensive, whole-house approach to improving energy efficiency and comfort at home, while helping to protect the environment.
Brochure, 8 pages
Horton Tip Sheet
Now Hear This! Global Warming and YOU: What You Can Do at Home
Energy Star
Brochure, 4 pgs
January 2008
How to Make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request
Brief description of your rights and the manner in which the EPA will respond to your requests under the FOIA.
EPA 100-F--97-002
October 1997
Pamphlet; 1 page
Implementing an Astham Home Visit Program
10 Steps to help health plans get started.
EPA 402-K-05-006
September 2005
Booklet, 16 pages
Information for Small Businesses
Phone numbers and websites
Fact Sheet; 1 page
It's Easy Being Green!
Guide to planning and conducting environmentally aware meetings and events.
EPA 530-F-96-002
September 1996
Booklet; 8 pages,
Keep It Off The Curb
Your Complete Step-By-Step Manual For Home Compost Program Management
Harmonious Technologies
Manual, 218 pages
Lead and Green Supply Chain
Practical guide for materials managers and supply chain managers to reduce costs and improve environmental performance.
EPA 742-R-00-001
January 2000
Brochure; 48 pages
Mecury Education and Reduction Act
Provides information regarding the new law and how we can all help to clean-up mercury in Washington state.
WA Department of Health
May 2004
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
Moving Out, Moving In
This guide suggests environmentally safe alternatives to throwing away unwanted "junk" when moving and shows you how to purchase new items with the environment in mind.
EPA 530-K-04-002
February 2004
Brochure, 10 pages
Neighborhood Bullies
Invasive weeds in urban lands.
King County Noxious Weed Control Program
Brochure, 4 pages
Overview and Summary of the Clean Air ActTaken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 8 pages
Overview and Summary of the Clean Water ActTaken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure, 8 pages
Overview and Summary of The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, & Liability Act (CERCLA)Taken From EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 7 pages
Overview and Summary of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 5 pages
Overview and Summary of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 6 pages
Overview and Summary of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 12 pages
Overview and Summary of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA) of 1990Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 4 pages
Overview and Summary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 11 pages
Overview and Summary of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)Taken from EPA 315-B-98-011
February 1999
Brochure; 10 pages
Parking Spaces / Community Places
Finding the balance through Smart Growth solutions.
January , 2006
Booklet, 62 pages
Pedestrian- and Transit-Friendly Design:
A Primer for Smart Growth
Booklet, 26 pages
Place-based Assignments: An Assesment of Their Effectiveness
Summarizes the results from on-site reviews in communities where EPA Region 10 has located a staff person.
EPA 910-R-00-009
September 2000
Booklet; 32 pages
Promoting Safety for America's Future
Illustrates the work of EPA's "Pesticide Program".
EPA 735-R-03-001
May 2003
Protect Children, Protect Our Future
Take action to protect children where they live, learn, and play.
Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth
For those already familiar with Smart Growth and seek specific ideas on how techniques for smarter growth can be used to protect their water resources.
Booklet, 116 pages
Protecting Yourself & Your Family From Secondhand Smoke
Ways to protect your family from secondhand smoke.
American Lung Association
March 1994
Pamphlet, 6 pages
Publications List
Catalog of publications that are avalaible to residents of EPA Region 10 states, Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
U.S. EPA Region 10
Fall/Winter 2005
Catalog, 136 pages
Recycle on the Go
Provides information on starting a recycling program in a public place. The information is organized by venue type.
EPA 530-F-06-021
October 2006
Brochure, 7 pages
Region 10 Priorities 2006 Annual ReportEPA 910-R-06-005
June 2006
Report, 17 pages
Regional Priorities 2002-2003
The purpose of this document is to share with you our top six priorities for 2002-2003.
EPA 910-R-02-005
Remembering the Past, Protect the Future
30 Years of Environmental Progress in the Pacific Northwest
US EPA Region 10
Booklet; 29 pages
Reporting Environmental Violations
Violations to be reported and how to report them.
EPA 300-F-06-003
Pamphlet, 6 pages
Schools for Successful Communities
An Element of Smart Growth
EPA 231-231-R-04-003
Booklet, 52 pages
Selected Smart Growth Publications
These publication are listed to increase public understanding of how Smart Growth can further efforts to protect our environment.
EPA 231-R-02-001
Booklet, 15 pages
State of the Sound 2007, Colorful booklet takes a scientific look at the health of Puget Sound.Puget Sound Action Team
May 2007
Booklet; 93 pages
SunWise: A school program that radiates good ideas
Grades K-8. Consists of a variety of fun, developmentally appropriate activities that combine education about sun protection and the environment with other aspects of learning.
EPA 430-F-00-004
Supplemental Environmental Projects
SEP-an environmental project that a violator voluntarily agrees to perform as part of the settlement and how the public can become involved.
EPA 300-B-00-007
July 2000
Pamphlet, 4 pages
Take it Back Network
Recycle your unwanted electronics.
King County Dept. of Natural Resources & Parks
May 2004
Booklet, 8 pages
Terms of the Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms
Defines in non-technical language the more commonly used environmental terms appearing in EPA publications available to the general public.
EPA 175-B-97-001
December 1997
Booklet; 65 pages
The EPA Children's Environmental Health Yearbook Supplement
Provides information to the public about the EPA's work in children's health protection.
August 2000
Booklet; 217 Pages
The EPA Emergency Response and Removal Program
The goal of EPA's Emergency Response and Removal Program is to protect the public and the environment from immediate threats posed by the release or discharge of hazardous substances and oil.
EPA 540-K-00-002
July 2000
The Power of Change: Protecting the Environment for the Next Generation
Resources to explain how to reduce waste, conserve our natural resources, and save energy.
EPA 530-E-04-001
April 2004
The United States EPA's Asian American and Pacific Islander Outreach Strategy
EPA developed the National Asian American and Pacific Islander Outreach Strategy to create a comprehensive framework for strengthening the Agency's relationship with the nation's diverse and growing APPI community.
EPA 202-K-01-003
41 Pages
Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Risks (Bilingual: English and Spanish)EPA 100-F-02-004
Fact Sheet, 2 pages
This is Smart Growth
Illustrates how communities can use smart growth techniques that improve the quality of development, features 40 localities around the country.
EPA 231-K-06-002
Tips To Protect Children From Environmental Threats
(Bilingual: English & Spanish)
Fact Sheet; 1 page
Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools
Guide that provides schools, school districts and business officials with audience specific information for starting or expanding existing waste reduction programs.
EPA 530-K-07-002
February 2007
Booklet; 36 pages
Transportation Planning in the Northwest: Framework for Sustainability
Purpose is to fuel creative efforts of transportation agenices and the public to develop more sustainable solutions to transportation projects and the NEPA process.
EPA 910-F-00-001
Pamphlet, 5 pages
U.S. EPA Performance and Accountability Report – 2006
Provides performance and financial information for fiscal year 2006 to assess the progress EPA is making in environmental results.
EPA 190-R-06-002
Report; 316 pages
November 2006
US EPA Region 10 Environmental Laboratory
The Manchester Environmental Laboratory provides high quality physical, chemical, biological and microbiological analyses in support of the following EPA programs: air, surface water, drinking water, Superfund, pesticides and hazardous materials.
Brochure, 6 pages
You Can make a Difference: Learn About Careers in Waste Management
Good resource information for studens.
EPA 530-F-02-011
February 2003
Fact sheet; 2 pages
You Can Make Recycled Paper!
Here's how you can turn a paper grocery bag into a new piece of paper, too.
American Forest & Paper Association
Flyer, 1 page
Your Life, Your World, Your Choices
Kit shows ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. High school students.
EPA 530-E-05-001
February 2003
Your Life, Your World, Your Choices
Kit shows how to reduce, reuse and recycle. Middle school students.
EPA 530-E-03-001
January 2002
Your Responsibilities As EPA Employees Under The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Introduction to FOIA
EPA 100-F-98-012
July 1998
Pamphlet;4 pages
Understanding the Safe Drinking Water Act
History and brief summary of the regulations.
EPA 816-F-04-030
June 2004
Fact Sheet, 4 pages
U.S. EPA Performance and Accountability Report– 2006
provides performance and financial information for fiscal year 2006 to assess the progress EPA is making in environmental results.
EPA 190-R-06-002
Report; 316 pages
November 2006

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