


Aluminum - Resources & Links

Plant Assessments

Plant-Wide Assessments
Plant-wide assessments are one way to work with the DOE Industrial Technologies Program—most companies realize a minimum of $1 million in annual energy savings after just one assessment. Plants are selected through a competitive solicitation process, and agree to a minimum 50% cost-share for implementing the assessment. An industry-defined team conducts an on-site analysis of total energy use and identifies opportunities to save energy in your overall operations and in motor, steam, compressed air, and process heating systems. The recommendations could include implementing emerging technologies that would be particularly effective in your operation. These emerging technologies, although on the forefront of industrial manufacturing, are successful and commercially proven.

Energy Productivity and Waste Assessments (Industrial Assessment Centers)
If you run a small- to medium-sized manufacturing facility with gross annual sales below $75 million and fewer than 500 employees at the plant site, you may be especially interested in an IAC energy and waste assessment. IAC assessments are a no-cost, on-site visit to your plant to identify potential savings opportunities. A team of engineering faculty and students from a participating university in your area assesses your plant and recommends ways you can improve efficiency.

Save Energy Now Assessments
The Save Energy Now assessments program is one way for plants of all sizes to work with the DOE Industrial Technologies Program (ITP). Large plants are eligible to apply for a system level assessment on their steam, process heating, compressed air, fans, or pumping systems. Assessments are conducted over a three day site visit by teams of DOE Energy Experts and plant personnel. The plant personnel are trained to identify energy savings opportunities using the DOE software tools. Most plants find an average of $2.5 million in annual energy savings and nearly 75% of all recommendations have a payback period of 2 years or less. The recommendations could include implementing best practices or emerging technologies that would be effective in your operation.

If you run a medium-sized manufacturing facility with an annual utility bill over $100,000 and fewer than 500 employees at the plant site, you may be especially interested in an assessment from an Industrial Assessment Center (IAC). Mid-sized plant assessments are a no-cost, one day on-site visit to your plant to identify potential savings opportunities. A team of engineering faculty and students from a participating university in your area assesses your plant and recommends ways you can improve efficiency. Since 2001, the IACs have identified an average of over $115,000/plant in yearly energy savings.

Small manufacturing plants can receive assistance through our NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) and the EERE Information Center.  The MEP Centers have teamed up with the Industrial Assessment Centers to expand the reach of ITP's resources for energy efficiency in manufacturing plants.  If you have an MEP in your area or already have a working relationship with them, ask them how they can help you use energy more wisely.


Page Last Modified:   August 7, 2008