


Programs & Partnerships

Facilitating Organizations
Federal/State Programs

Facilitating Organizations

Electric Power Research Institute
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), founded in 1973, is a non-profit energy research consortium benefiting utility members, their customers, and society. EPRI's mission is to provide science and technology-based solutions of indispensable value to their global energy customers by managing a far-reaching program of scientific research, technology development, and product implementation.

Chicago Climate Exchange
The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) is North America's only voluntary but legally binding greenhouse gas reduction and emission trading system. CCX employs independent verification, includes six greenhouse gases, and has been trading greenhouse gas emission allowances since 2003.

Emissions Marketing Association
The Emissions Marketing Association is a trade association for environmental industry professionals who are active or interested in the market-based solutions to combat pollution and create a sustainable environment.

Federal/State Programs

Biomass Research & Development Initiative
The Biomass Research & Development Initiative is a multi-agency effort to coordinate and accelerate all Federal biobased products and bioenergy research and development.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EPA's mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment—air, water, and land—upon which life depends.

EPA Climate Leaders
Climate Leaders is a voluntary industry-government partnership that encourages companies to develop long-term, comprehensive climate change strategies and set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction goals.


In 1992, EPA introduced ENERGY STAR as a voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote energy-efficient products to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ENERGY STAR has been a joint EPA-Department of Energy program since 1996.

Clean Energy Programs
There are voluntary state-federal partnership that encourages states to develop and implement cost-effective clean energy and environmental strategies. These strategies help further both environmental and clean energy goals while achieving public health and economic benefits. Under the Partnership Program, states work across their relevant agencies to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy for using existing and new energy policies and programs to promote energy efficiency, clean distributed generation, renewable energy and other clean energy sources that can provide air quality and other benefits.

  • Green Power Partnership
    The Green Power Partnership is a voluntary partnership between EPA and organizations that are interested in buying green power. Green power is an environmentally friendly electricity product that is generated from renewable energy sources.

  • Combined Heat & Power Partnership
    The CHP Partnership is a voluntary program to reduce the environmental impact of power generation by promoting the use of CHP. The Partnership works closely with energy users, the CHP industry, state and local governments and other stakeholders to support the development of new projects and promote their energy, environmental and economic benefits.

  • State and Local Governments

WasteWise is a voluntary EPA program through which organizations eliminate costly municipal solid waste and select industrial wastes, benefiting their bottom line and reducing the amount of waste deposited in landfills.  Waste reduction can save organizations money through reduced purchasing and waste disposal costs. WasteWise provides free technical assistance to help organizations develop, implement and measure their waste reduction activities.

State and Local Programs
EPA works with State and Local Governments to identify and implement cost-effective programs that save energy and improve air quality.

Methane Voluntary Programs
U.S. industries along with state and local governments collaborate with EPA to promote profitable opportunities for reducing emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.  These voluntary programs are designed to overcome a wide range of informational, technical and institutional barriers to reducing methane emissions, while creating profitable activities for the coal, natural gas, petroleum, landfill and agricultural industries.

High GWP Gas Voluntary Programs
EPA has a set of voluntary industry partnerships that are substantially reducing U.S. emissions of high global warming potential (high GWP) gases. These synthetic gases - including perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - are manufactured for commercial use or generated as waste byproducts of industrial operations.  The high GWP partnership programs involve several industries, including HCFC-22 producers, primary aluminum smelters, semiconductor manufacturers, electric power companies and magnesium smelters and die-casters. These industries are reducing greenhouse gas emissions by developing and implementing cost-effective improvements to their industrial processes. To date, these voluntary programs have achieved significant emission reductions and industry partners are expected to maintain emissions below 1990 levels beyond the year 2010.

SmartWay Transport Partnership
The SmartWay Transport Partnership is a collaborative voluntary program between EPA and the freight industry that will increase the energy efficiency and energy security of our country while significantly reducing air pollution and greenhouse gases. The Partnership creates strong market-based incentives that challenge companies shipping products, and the truck and rail companies delivering these products, to improve the environmental performance of their freight operations. SmartWay Transport partners improve their energy efficiency, save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. For more information, please see EPA's Climate Protection Partnerships Division

EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality Voluntary Programs
Transportation and Air Quality voluntary programs aim to reduce pollution and improve air quality by means of forming partnerships with small and large businesses, citizen groups, industry, manufacturers, trade associations and state and local governments.

Department of Energy (DOE)
The Department of Energy is committed to reducing America's dependence on foreign oil and developing energy efficient technologies for buildings, homes, transportation, power systems, and industry.

DOE EERE Industrial Technologies
The Industrial Technologies Program (ITP) seeks to reduce the energy intensity of the U.S. industrial sector through a coordinated program of research and development, validation, and dissemination of energy efficient technology and operating practices. ITP's Best Practices subprogram works with industry to identify plant-wide opportunities for energy savings and process efficiency. BestPractices offers many partnership opportunities available through Industry Partnerships.

Consumer's Guide to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.

Heating and Cooling

Buying Clean Electricity

Making Clean Electricity

Your Vehicle

Information Resources

Energy Savers Booklet

DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The EERE mission is to strengthen America's energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality in public-private partnerships that enhance energy efficiency and productivity; bring clean, reliable, and affordable energy technologies to the marketplace; and make a difference in the everyday lives of Americans by enhancing their energy choices and their quality of life.

DOE EERE Energy Savers
Interested in saving money by making your home more energy efficient? Want to use solar energy to heat or power your small business? This site is your guide to the world of renewable energy and energy efficiency options.

DOE EERE Industrial Energy Savers
Gain a competitive edge through energy savings. Site provides streamlined access to tools, tips, training, and other resources from the U.S. Department of Energy. Learn 20 ways to save energy now on combustion, steam, and process heating systems, see how other manufacturers have successfully implemented energy saving projects, develop an energy management action plan, download free software tools to identify energy saving opportunities, and get information on plant energy assessments and technical assistance.

DOE EERE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)
FEMP works to reduce energy use at federal facilities. FEMP helps agencies save energy and taxpayer dollars by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy, and improving utility management decisions at federal sites.

DOE EERE Green Power Network
The essence of green power marketing is to provide market-based choices for electricity consumers to purchase power from environmentally preferred sources.

Solar America Initiative
Announced in June 1997, Million Solar Roofs (MSRI) is an initiative to install solar energy systems on one million U.S. buildings by 2010.

DOE EERE Rebuild America
DOE's Building Technologies Program works in partnership with states, industry, and manufacturers to improve the energy efficiency of our nation's buildings. Through innovative new technologies and systems-engineered building practices we are transforming how we design, build, and operate the approximately 15 million new buildings projected to be constructed by 2015.

DOE EERE Weatherization Assistance Program
The Weatherization Assistance Program enables low-income families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient.

DOE EERE Wind Energy Program
The Wind Energy Program works with industry to keep U.S. wind energy technology competitive in global markets, thus strengthening the economy. The program includes a comprehensive wind energy research program, wind turbine research and development, and support for utilities, industry, and international wind energy projects.

DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
The mission of the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) is to lead national efforts to modernize the electric grid; enhance security and reliability of the energy infrastructure; and facilitate recovery from disruptions to energy supply. OE plays a major role in addressing immediate challenges to America's energy security, while sustaining applied research into new technologies and policies to answer the challenges we face in the future.

DOE OE Distributed Energy Program
Among other activities, the Distributed Energy program is working on developing the "next generation" of clean, efficient, reliable, and affordable distributed energy technologies and integrating these technologies at end-user sites.

DOE Office of Fossil Energy
Recognizing that fossil fuels currently account for a combined 86 percent of domestic energy consumption, a share the Energy Information Administration projects will be maintained through at least 2030, the Office of Fossil Energy (FE) has a key role in helping America meet its continually growing need for secure, reasonably priced, and environmentally sound fossil energy supplies. FE has three program areas that are particularly relevant to the Climate VISION program: the Carbon Sequestration Program, FutureGen, and the Clean Coal Power Initiative.

Carbon Sequestration Leadership Program
The Carbon Sequestration Leadership Program is an international climate change initiative that will focus on development of carbon capture and storage technologies as a means to accomplishing long-term stabilization of greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. This initiative is designed to improve carbon capture and storage technologies through coordinated research and development with international partners and private industry.

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
The Office of Nuclear Energy represents the core of the U.S. Government's expertise in nuclear engineering and technology. Their activities benefit the American people by helping to maintain the Nation's access to diverse and environmentally responsible sources of energy, and by advancing our country's economic and technological competitiveness.

DOE Office of Policy and International Affairs
The role of the Office of Policy and International Affairs (PI) is to deliver unbiased advice to the Department of Energy's leadership on existing and prospective energy-related policies, based on integrated and well-founded data and analysis. The Office of Climate Change Policy and Technology within PI manages the Climate VISION program.

Energy Information Administration (EIA)
EIA provides policy-independent data, forecasts, and analyses to promote sound policy making, efficient markets, and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

Department of Agriculture (USDA)
USDA is giving consideration to management practices that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases in setting priorities and implementing forest and agriculture conservation programs. The actions USDA will implement include financial incentives, technical assistance, demonstrations, pilot programs, education, and capacity building, along with measurements to assess the success of these efforts.

USDA Global Change Program Office
The Global Change Program Office (GCPO) serves as USDA's focal point for climate change issues and is responsible for coordinating activities with other Federal agencies, interacting with the legislative branch on climate change issues affecting agriculture and forestry, and representing USDA on U.S. delegations to international climate change discussions.

Page Last Modified:   September 9, 2008