


Industry Associations


Aluminum Association
(Coordinating aluminum industry Climate VISION activities)
The Aluminum Association, Inc. is the trade association for producers of primary aluminum, recyclers and semi-fabricated aluminum products, as well as suppliers to the industry. The Association provides leadership to the industry through its programs and services which aim to enhance aluminum's position in a world of proliferating materials, increase its use as the "material of choice," remove impediments to its fullest use, and assist in achieving the industry's environmental, societal, and economic objectives.

Automobile Manufacturers

Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
(Coordinating automobile industry Climate VISION activities)
The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, Inc. is a trade association composed of 10 car and light truck manufacturers with about 600,000 employees at more than 250 facilities in 35 states. Alliance members account for more than 90 percent of U.S. vehicle sales.


Portland Cement Association
(Coordinating cement industry Climate VISION activities)
Since its founding in 1916, the Portland Cement Association has had the same mission: "Improve and expand the uses of portland cement and concrete."

The Cement Sustainability Initiative
Coordinated by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) helps the cement industry address the challenges of sustainable development. The business leaders of major cement companies lead the initiative.

The GHG Protocol Initiative
Established in 1998 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative (GHG Protocol) develops internationally accepted accounting and reporting standards for greenhouse gas emissions from companies.

Chemical Manufacturing

American Chemistry Council
(Coordinating chemical industry Climate VISION activities)
The American Chemistry Council represents the leading companies engaged in the business of chemistry. The Council is committed to improved environmental, health and safety performance through Responsible Care, common sense advocacy designed to address major public policy issues, and health and environmental research and product testing.

Industry Vision2020 Technology Partnership
Coordinating with American Chemistry Council to develop a technology strategy.

Council for Chemical Research
Vision2020 partner.

American Institute for Chemical Engineers
Vision2020 partner.

Electric Power

American Public Power Association
The American Public Power Association (APPA) is the service organization for the nation's public power utilities.

Edison Electric Institute
Edison Electric Institute (EEI) is the premier trade association for U.S. shareholder-owned electric companies, serving international affiliates and industry associates worldwide.

Electric Power Supply Association
The Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) is the national trade association representing competitive power suppliers, including independent power producers, merchant generators and power marketers.

Large Public Power Council
The Large Public Power Council (LPPC) is an organization comprised of 24 of the nation's largest locally owned and controlled power systems. LPPC works to develop and advance consumer-oriented positions on national energy issues.

National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) is the national service organization dedicated to representing the national interests of consumer-owned cooperative electric utilities and the consumers they serve.

Nuclear Energy Institute
The Nuclear Energy Institute is the policy organization of the nuclear energy and technologies industry, participating in both the national and global policy-making process. NEI’s objective is to ensure the formation of policies that promote the beneficial uses of nuclear energy and technologies in the United States and around the world.

Tennessee Valley Authority
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is a federal corporation and the nation’s largest public power company.

Forest Products

American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA)
(Coordinating forest industry Climate VISION activities)
AF&PA's message is to provide significant value to member companies through outstanding performance in those areas that are key to members' success and where an association can be more effective than individual companies. AF&PA is the national trade association of the forest, pulp, paper, paperboard, and wood products industry.

Industry Vision and Technology Partnerships: Agenda 2020
Coordinating with AF&PA to develop a technology strategy.

Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST)
The Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST) is a privately funded 501 (c)(3) graduate research university with engineering and scientific programs related to the pulp and paper industry. IPST is one of the premier institutes for the advanced study of pulp and papermaking processes in the United States.

TAPPI is the leading technical association for the worldwide pulp, paper, and converting industry. TAPPI’s mission is to engage the people and resources of our Association in providing technically sound solutions to the workplace problems and opportunities that challenge our current and future members.

Iron & Steel

American Iron and Steel Institute
(Coordinating iron and steel industry Climate VISION activities)
For over a century, North American steel producers have worked as partners and members of the American Iron and Steel Institute in furthering its mission to promote steel as the material of choice and to enhance the competitiveness of the North American steel industry and its member companies.

Iron & Steel Society
The Iron & Steel Society is a professional and technical society that provides opportunities for networking among iron and steel industry professionals and advances technology by facilitating information exchange. The Society is an Allied Partner with DOE's Industrial Technologies Program.


National Lime Association
The National Lime Association is the trade association for U.S. and Canadian manufacturers of high calcium quicklime, dolomitic quicklime, and hydrated lime, collectively referred to as "lime". NLA represents the interests of its members in Washington, provides input on standards and specifications for lime, and funds and manages research on current and new uses for lime.


International Magnesium Association
(Coordinating magnesium industry Climate VISION activities)
Founded in 1943, the International Magnesium Association (IMA) promotes the use of the metal magnesium in material selection and encourage innovative applications of the versatile metal. Through IMA's efforts, manufacturers and consumers are increasingly aware of the numerous options and benefits the metal magnesium provides.


Industrial Minerals Association - North America
The International Minerals Association - North America (IMA-NA) was formed in early 2002 to tap the benefits that could result from North American industrial minerals companies working together to achieve common goals. Industrial minerals - ball clay, bentonite, borates, feldspar, industrial sand, mica, soda ash and talc - are a miraculous gift from times past.


National Mining Association
(Coordinating mining industry Climate VISION activities)
The National Mining Association (NMA) creates and maintains a broad base of political support for the mining industry while helping the nation realize the economic and national security benefits of its domestic mining capability. The Association's objective is to engage in and influence the public policy process on the most significant and timely issues that impact our ability to locate, permit, mine, process, transport, and utilize the nation's vast coal and mineral resources.

Oil & Gas

American Petroleum Institute
(Coordinating oil & gas industry Climate VISION activities)
The oil and natural gas industry provides the fuel for American life, warming our homes, powering our businesses, and giving us the mobility to enjoy this great land. As the primary trade association of that industry, API represents more than 400 members involved in all aspects of the oil and natural gas industry. The Association draws on the experience and expertise of its members and staff to support a strong and viable oil and natural gas industry.


Association of American Railroads
(Coordinating railroads industry Climate VISION activities)
Based in Washington, D.C., the Association of American Railroads (AAR) is committed to keeping the railroads of North America safe, fast, efficient, clean, and technologically advanced.


Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)
(Coordinating semiconductors industry Climate VISION activities)
The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) is the premier trade association representing the U.S. semiconductor industry. Founded in 1977 by five microelectronics innovators, the SIA has grown to include over 100 companies that account for more than 83% of U.S.-based semiconductor production.

The SIA provides a forum for domestic semiconductor companies to work collectively to advance the competitiveness of the $70 billion U.S. chip industry. Through its national and international network of chief executive officers and working committees, the SIA shapes public policy on issues important to the industry and provides a spectrum of services to help its members grow their businesses.

World Semiconductor Council (WSC)
The WSC promotes cooperative semiconductor industry activities to expand international cooperation in the semiconductor sector in order to facilitate the healthy growth of the industry from a long-term, global perspective. WSC activities are undertaken on a voluntary basis and include environmental, health and safety activities. PFC emission reduction has been singled out by the WSC as a high priority.

Page Last Modified:   August 20, 2008