


Training Sessions

Department of Energy Training Sessions

Compressed Air Systems Training Sessions
Fan System Training Sessions
Motor System Training Sessions
Process Heating Training Sessions
Pump System Training Sessions
Steam System Training Sessions

Compressed Air Systems Training Sessions

Fundamentals of Compressed Air Systems — 1-day workshop
Find out how a compressed air system works and the benefits of optimal compressed air system performance. This initial class demonstrates how to compute the current cost of your plant's compressed air systems, how to measure and create a baseline of system performance, and how to determine the impact of different compressor control types. Learn basic approaches for cutting costs; identify steps for proper system operation, maintenance, and point-of-use accountability; and tailor a compressed air system management action plan for your plant.

Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems — 2-day workshop
Learn what data and tools are necessary to measure and assess the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a compressed air system. This advanced course in compressed air system management teaches you to develop a system profile and address point-of-use issues, including determining actual air quality requirements, investigating and reducing highest point-of-use pressure requirements, and addressing high-volume intermittent applications. In addition, you will learn how to implement a compressed air system maintenance program, determine different compressor control strategies, align the supply-side to demand-side operation, and gain an understanding of the value of heat recovery. Participants will also gain knowledge on how to successfully present project proposals to management.
(Note: Participants are strongly encouraged to take the Fundamentals workshop first.)

AIRMaster Training — 2½-day workshop
AIRMaster software, developed by DOE in cooperation with the Compressed Air Challenge®, assists in evaluating compressed air systems. This course is designed for compressed air professionals who wish to use the software when performing plant assessments of their compressed air systems. The workshop presents the software methodology, describes how to collect field data, demonstrates how to enter data, and discusses how to interpret the results. Training is provided by ITP Allied Partners.

AIRMaster+ Qualification — 2½-day workshop
DOE and the Compressed Air Challenge® recognize Qualified AIRMaster+ Specialists for their ability to use the AIRMaster+ software effectively with industrial end users. This workshop is open to individuals who have taken Advanced Management of Compressed Air Systems and are interested in taking a rigorous qualifying exam. The workshop presents the software methodology, describes how to collect field data, demonstrates how to enter data, and discusses how to interpret the results. Details.

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Fan System Training Sessions

Fan System Assessment — 1-day workshop
Optimizing industrial fan systems can take on many forms, but any fan optimization project must meet the needs of the process. This 1-day workshop highlights the benefits of fan system optimization and examines fan system performance characteristics and practical issues concerning measurement data. The session introduces the DOE's Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT), powerful analysis software that helps you quantify the potential benefits of configuring fan systems for optimal performance; calculate the amount of energy use by your fan system, and estimate fan system efficiency. Learn how the software works, what data is required for FSAT, and how to interpret assessment results.

In addition, this workshop includes discussion to help you:

  • Calculate the cost of operating fans in your facility
  • Understand the interaction between the fan curve and the system curve
  • Analyze the optimization potential of fan systems
  • Create an action plan to improve fan system efficiency and reliability in your plant.

Qualified Fan System Assessment Specialist Training — Coming Spring 2005
DOE is developing an additional level of training for industry professionals interested in becoming Qualified Fan System Specialists. By successfully completing this advanced training you will be recognized by DOE as a Specialist in the use of FSAT. As a Specialist, you can then apply the tool to help your plant or industrial customers identify ways to improve fan system efficiency.

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Motor System Training Sessions

Electric Motor Systems Workshop — 1-day workshop
This 1-day workshop helps facility personnel—maintenance staff, plant managers, and plant engineers—gain an understanding of electric motor systems management and skills to help them manage motor systems for reduced energy cost and increased reliability. The session covers technical and policy/procedure topics related to management of motor systems. This includes evaluation and selection of the optimum motor for each application; motor tracking inventory and maintenance actions; and development/use of guidelines or specifications for motor repair and rewind. Electric power system and management of power transmission and driven loads are also covered in relation to motor operation and use.

This session also identifies resources, such as organizations, standards, guidebooks, and technical assistance providers, that can help plant personnel establish and manage industrial motor systems. In addition, the workshop provides an overview of DOE's MotorMaster+ (MM+) software and a demonstration of the tool's basic functions and applications.

Attend this workshop to:

  • Select the optimum motor for specific industrial applications
  • Understand the basics of using MM+ to evaluate motor purchase and repair decisions
  • Understand how MM+ can be used to support other areas of motor systems management
  • Establish an effective motor systems maintenance plan
  • Develop guidelines for motor repair services and evaluate motor repair facilities
  • Quickly locate resources for additional technical support on motor systems

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Process Heating Training Sessions

Process Heating Systems Optmization — 1-day workshop
This workshop provides an introduction to process heating and process heating equipment, such as furnaces, dryers, ovens, heaters, and kilns, used by industry. The course includes discussion of combustion and other heating methods; heat transfer in furnaces; waste heat recovery; commonly used process heating controls; and emissions from heating processes.

Attend this workshop if you are a process engineer, plant operator, maintenance engineer, process heating equipment designer, plant or corporate energy coordinator, or consulting engineer and learn:

  • Practical tips on process heating and maintenance
  • How to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions from furnaces
  • How to use DOE's Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PAST) software tool

The session highlights the use of PHAST, which helps users survey furnaces and heaters, identify major energy-using equipment, prioritize improvement opportunities, and assess available methods improve thermal efficiency in an industrial plant.

PHAST Specialist Training — 2-day workshop
This workshop has been developed to qualify industry professionals on the use of the Process Heating Analysis and Survey Tool (PHAST). DOE recognizes Qualified PHAST Specialists for their ability to apply the PHAST tool with industrial users. Attendees who successfully complete a PHAST qualification workshop receive this designation. The workshop is open to individuals with substantial knowledge of process heating systems and who are interested in taking a rigorous qualifying exam. Details.

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Pump System Training Sessions

Pump System Assessment — 1-day workshop
Learn more about pump system performance characteristics. This course discusses performance problems encountered in everyday applications. The workshop covers practical issues involved in field measurements of fluid and electrical data and presents the Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT) used to assess the performance of pump systems. Learn how the software functions, what data is required, how to use the software when measured data are not available, and what the assessment results mean. This training is also offered through Allied Partners.

PSAT Qualification
DOE now offers a qualification program for pumping system specialists in the use of its PSAT software. Attendees who successfully complete a PSAT qualification workshop will be recognized as a Qualified Pump System Specialist and will receive a certificate from DOE with this designation. Details.

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Steam System Training Sessions

Steam System Improvement — 1-day workshop
Explore the operation of steam systems and learn how steam system efficiency can be improved. This course covers steam generation, utilization, leaks, and distribution. Discover how to obtain optimum steam generation efficiency from your boiler and learn about steam utilization, including multi-pressure system operation and balancing. Reduce loss in your steam system by learning more about operation, selection, and testing of steam traps. The course also investigates the distribution system and focuses on heat loss and condensate return issues.

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Page Last Modified:   August 7, 2008