Pollution Prevention | Region 10 | US EPA

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Pollution Prevention Program

The goal of the Pollution Prevention Program is to improve existing environmental programs and create new, innovative programs and approaches to encourage businesses, governments, and individuals to prevent pollution and efficiently use energy and natural resources.

In US EPA Region 10, our philosophy is that the best way to prevent pollution is to move up the waste management hierarchy towards source reduction. Source reduction means reducing or eliminating the creation of wastes at the source. This can be accomplished through changes in materials, practices, or processes.

The U.S. EPA has many programs which promote pollution prevention through research and development, technology transfer, financial assistance or voluntary initiatives. In our national laboratories, scientists are doing applied research in areas to support pollution prevention advances. Some are working to refine methodologies for "life cycle assessments" and others are developing computer based decision tools to help companies make process design changes and raw material selections that minimize waste and facilitate recycling.

EPA's National Pollution Prevention Program has a wealth of information about Pollution Prevntion policy and practices. The Seattle based Pollution Prevention Resource Center highlights and advances research on pollution prevention in the pacific northwest.

Elements symbol encompassing a tree, sun, water, and land.

2007 P2 Grant Application Information
EPA Region 10 is now accepting preapplications for 2007 Pollution Prevention Grants. Preapplications are due by April 3, 2007. Eligibility is limited to States and Tribes with "treatment as a state" (TAS) status. Through this program EPA seeks to build pollution prevention capabilities, to test innovative pollution prevention approaches and methodologies and to build on proven Pollution Prevention approaches. Awards must be used to support pollution prevention programs that address the transfer and reduction of potentially harmful pollutants across environmental media. Programs should reflect comprehensive and coordinated pollution prevention planning and implementation efforts.

Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center Icon

Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center
The Northwest's leading resource for promoting a cleaner environment through pollution prevention. PPRC provides high quality, unbiased information, facilitates information exchange and catalyzes pollution prevention projects. The PPRC WEB site also has links to many other P2 sites.

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Energy Star Programs
Energy efficiency is a positive step toward reducing air pollution. EPA has teamed with the private sector in developing cutting-edge, voluntary partnerships. By encouraging the production and use of energy-efficient equipment, energy usage and air pollution can be drastically reduced. There are many Energy Star programs, including those for Homes, Residential Light Fixtures, Residential Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, Office Products, Buildings, Green Lights and Small Business Programs.

Design for Environment
EPA’s Design for Environment (DFE) programs help selected industry sectors incorporate environmental considerations into their operations. The Green Chemistry Challenge program, launched as part of EPA’s initial reinvention agenda, recognizes public and private sector research and development efforts to find more environmentally sound alternatives to chemical products or processes.

Waste Minimization
The National Waste Minimization Program supports efforts that promote a more sustainable society, reduce the amounts of waste generated, and lower the toxicity and persistence of those wastes that are, of necessity, generated.

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URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/OI.NSF/Pollution+Prevention/P2

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