Port Sector

USTDA Sector Brief - Ports USTDA Sector Brief - Ports

Recognizing that trade is an essential catalyst for development, the establishment of modern and secure port infrastructure is a key area for activity by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). Many USTDA activities in the port sector support the development of closer commercial relations under U.S. trade agreements and the adoption of international security standards.

In carrying out its mission, USTDA advances economic development and U.S. commercial interests in developing and middle-income countries. The agency funds various forms of technical assistance, early investment analysis, training, orientation visits and business workshops that support the development of a modern infrastructure and a fair and open trading environment.

Since fiscal year 2001, USTDA has funded approximately 60 activities in the port sector totaling more than $20 million. The following is an illustrative list of those activities:

East Asia

Shanghai Model Port Customs IT – USTDA provided $186,800 to the Shanghai Customs Authority for training related to the information technology upgrades at the Port of Shanghai. This grant was a part of the larger “Shanghai Model Port” project. The training was completed by the National Center for APEC.

Europe and Eurasia

Estonia Tallinn Port Security – USTDA is providing $160,130 to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for technical assistance to the Port of Tallinn in devising a strategy and implementation plan to become a “secure link” in international trade. SAIC is conducting the technical assistance.

Latvia Integrated Master Port Security Plan – USTDA is providing $390,740 to the Ministry of Transport for technical assistance in developing an integrated master port security plan for the ports of Riga, Ventspils, and Liepaja. The assistance will re-engineer the security processes at each port to provide a layered comprehensive security system. Sullivan Cove Consultants is conducting the study.

Lithuania Klaipeda Port Security Project – In 2004, USTDA provided $415,000 to the Ministry of Transport and Communications on a security project at the Port of Klaipeda. The technical assistance assessed security needs at the Port according to international standards and recommended improvements. SAIC provided the assistance.

Albania Port of Vlore – USTDA provided $526,600 for an integrated infrastructure and economic development project at the Port of Vlore. The Albanian government requested the assistance due to the growing national importance of Vlore. TECicon of Annapolis, MD, performed the study.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Brazil Secure Supply Chain – USTDA provided $523,500 to the Ministry of Transportation to develop an Intelligent Cargo and Intelligent Network Port Logistics Chain, with the goal of improving the efficiency of Brazil's port logistics chain. The USTDA-funded assistance will establish the logistics chain baseline; define the intelligent cargo and intelligent network logistics chain; assess the impacts; and develop an implementation strategy.

Colombia Cartagena Secure Port Initiative – USTDA provided $399,962 to support Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Cartagena S.A. in its efforts to improve maritime cargo security at the Port of Cartagena. The Port ships over one-quarter of its total container volume to the United States.

Honduras Port of Cortés Dry Bulk Unloading Terminal – USTDA provided $470,000 to Empresa Nacional Portuaria to develop a dry bulk unloading terminal, which will improve the overall infrastructure and efficiency of operations at the Port of Cortés.

Panama Port and Maritime Sector Monitoring and Control Center – USTDA is providing a $331,341 grant to assist the Panama Maritime Authority (Autoridad Maritima de Panama, AMP) in developing a Maritime Sector Monitoring and Control Center. The Center will help the AMP monitor and control Panama's maritime sector, including the administration of the Panamanian-registered fleet, national and international fishing fleets, ports, safety, security, and environmental management.

Middle East and North Africa

Morocco Tangier-Mediterranean (Tangier-Med) Port Security – USTDA provided a $374,000 grant to the Tangier-Mediterranean Special Agency (TMSA) to fund technical assistance in port security and safety related to the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code, the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism and the Container Security Initiative in conjunction with the Tangier-Med Project. The grant assisted TMSA in developing tender documents for the procurement of safety and security equipment and services. Hudson Marine Management Services provided the assistance.

Jordan National Freight Information and Transportation Hub (NAFITH) – USTDA is funding a $600,000 NAFITH pilot and study for the Jordanian Ministry of Transport. NAFITH is a country-wide freight information transportation system that supports Jordan’s efforts to promote trade efficiency, security and global competitiveness through market reforms. FreightDesk Technologies, Inc. is performing the study.

MENA Regional Port Security Workshop – USTDA funded a port security compliance workshop focusing on Middle East and North African countries in Tunis, Tunisia. The objective was to assist countries in preparing location-specific plans to comply with the requirements of the International Shipping and Port Security code of the International Maritime Organization. USTDA collaborated with the U.S. Coast Guard in carrying out the workshops.

South and Southeast Asia

APEC Demonstration eManifest – USTDA is funding technical assistance to implement an eManifest Pilot Project for the General Department of Vietnam Customs. This project will demonstrate practices that efficiently implement the new World Customs Organization Framework to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, which has been endorsed for implementation in all APEC economies. The National Center for APEC is the contractor for this study, with Unisys and FedEx acting as subcontractors.

APEC Regional ISPS Code Training – USTDA approved $242,000 to support technical assistance aimed at helping seven APEC economies meet the requirements of the ISPS Code. This assistance will provide in-country training to help reduce maritime security incidents and promote trade among APEC members. SAIC Corporation is the contractor for this project.

Secure Trade in the APEC Region Conference – USTDA sponsored a transportation security conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference focused on both airport and seaport security, and launched what is now an annual transport security conference organized by APEC.

Bangladesh Chittagong Port Secure Trade and Container Scanning System – USTDA is funding a $293,615 technical assistance program for the National Board of Revenue to assist in implementing a Chittagong Port Trade Facilitation Project. The objectives of the technical assistance are: (1) to review port security dispositions, make recommendations to ensure ISPS code compliance, and to ensure the proper integration of container scanners; (2) to define the demand for and characteristics of scanners needed, and the location, process and procedures required for their operation; and (3) to assist in preparing documents consistent with the demand analysis and applicable procurement rules. Aerospace Services International, Inc. was selected to provide the assistance.

Port of Tanjung Priok Information Technology (IT) Integration and Telecommunications Project – USTDA provided $555,000 to Indonesia's Directorate General of Sea Communications for a study that will help to develop an integrated IT and telecommunications infrastructure for the port at Tanjung Priok in Jakarta. This project will contribute to the port's customs operations, security infrastructure, and trade flow. Embarcadero Systems Corporation of Alameda, CA, was competitively selected to complete the study.

Sub-Saharan Africa

African Trade Lanes Partnership – USTDA launched a two-year, $4 million initiative in April 2008 to promote the development of sub-Saharan Africa’s trade lanes and transportation networks to facilitate local, regional and global trade. The initiative is designed to promote regional cooperation and connectivity in all modes of transportation, including aviation, maritime, land, and rail.

Senegal Multi-Commodity Port – A $326,420 USTDA-grant to Société des Mines de Fer du Sénégal Oriental (Miferso) is supporting a study of an updated and expanded economic, financial, and legal analysis of a new multi-commodity port complex to be located south of Dakar. The $250 million new port complex could be constructed in order to serve multiple purposes, such as an export terminal for Senegalese mining products, an import terminal for bulk materials, and a port of call for a new industrial zone. Additionally, a new port complex would help decongest the Port of Dakar.

Nigeria Port Authority Integrated Computerization – A $429,746 USTDA grant to the Nigerian Ports Authority is funding technical assistance in developing an integrated computerization plan for the Ports Authority’s operations and management. Through evaluation of current systems, technical training, and recommendations, this project will help increase productivity and will build human capacity to analyze, design and manage IT systems. As a result, it will facilitate more efficient trade in West Africa.

Djibouti Port of Doraleh Container Terminal – USTDA is providing $372,976 in partial funding for a study on the Port of Doraleh Container Terminal Project. A high development priority for Djibouti and the region, the project is also expected to provide a significant opportunity for U.S. equipment and service suppliers. The Grantee for the project, Dubai International Djibouti, FZE, has selected Han Padron to conduct this study.

Sao Tome & Principe Deepwater Port – This $475,990 USTDA-funded study will support the establishment of a deepwater port on the island of Sao Tome. The new port facility will decrease trade transportation costs, and provide onshore support capacity for offshore oilfield development. TEC Infrastructure Consultants, LLC has been selected to conduct the study.

Ghana Ports of Tema and Takoradi Master Plans – This $698,150 USTDA-sponsored study will provide the Government of Ghana with updated and expanded Master Plans for the Ports of Tema and Takoradi. The port developments will serve multiple purposes, such as streamlining operations, managing increased container traffic, and facilitating the export and import of bulk goods. The contractor is being chosen competitively.