U.S. Businesses

Submitting a Proposal to USTDA

If you are developing a project or initiative that you would like USTDA to consider for possible grant assistance, you should begin by:

  1. Contacting the appropriate USTDA Regional Director or Country Manager for your region (see staff listing) ; or,
  2. Communicating with the commercial or economic officer, or USTDA representative, at the U.S. Embassy in your country.

To formally initiate USTDA consideration of a project, a project sponsor should direct a request to USTDA following the guidelines of USTDA's Model Proposal Format for Overseas Applicants. In cases where a specific U.S. company has been identified as a partner or preferred supplier on the project, the U.S. company submits a separate, detailed proposal to USTDA following the Model Proposal Format for U.S. Companies guidelines.

USTDA evaluates project proposals primarily based on:

  1. Their priority to the project sponsors and the countries where they are located and their likelihood of receiving implementation financing or, in the case of USTDA's trade capacity building work, advancing trade liberalization efforts; and
  2. Whether they offer mutual economic benefit for the host country and the United States, including opportunities for commercial cooperation with U.S. firms.

There is no set deadline for projects to be considered. Because of the high demand for USTDA funding, not all proposals that meet USTDA funding criteria can be supported.