Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program

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Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. If an applicant does not submit a “notice of intent” to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition, are they still eligible to apply?
  2. Does the estimated range of awards refer to the amount per year or the total amount for all three years?
  3. In previous years, Javits offered funds for priority one grants. Why was priority one funding eliminated from the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?
  4. Can universities partner with an LEA/SEA to submit an application for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?
  5. Are Catholic schools eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant?
  6. What is the relevant part of the ESEA definition of an LEA?
  7. Are Charter Schools eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?
  8. Are individuals eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?
  9. What if the LEA does not have a set indirect cost rate (established by its SEA) or doesn’t know what it is?
  10. Can the LEA use its SEA’s indirect cost rate?
  11. Is size or number of students an issue for eligibility?
  12. Since the Javits program has been included for elimination in the President's current budget proposal, does this mean that applicants can apply for the program and it could be eliminated prior to the grant being awarded?
  13. What does Absolute Priority refer to?
  14. Do we need an Impact Aid number to apply for the Javits grant competition?
  15. Who do we contact for questions regarding the e-grants system if we want to submit our application electronically?
  16. Where can we access more information regarding the Javits application?
  17. Within the context of formatting, should charts be single or double-spaced?

1. If an applicant does not submit a “notice of intent” to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition, are they still eligible to apply?

Yes, it is not mandatory to submit a notice of intent, but it helps the Department for planning purposes to have an idea of how many applicants plan to apply.


2. Does the estimated range of awards refer to the amount per year or the total amount for all three years?

The estimated range of awards refers to the amount the grantee would receive each year for up to 36 months.


3. In previous years, Javits offered funds for priority one grants. Why was priority one funding eliminated from the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?

The FY 2005 Javits grant competition does not include priority one grants because all of the funds that were available for priority one are tied up in continuation costs for the grants funded in previous years.


4. Can universities partner with an LEA/SEA to submit an application for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?

Universities can partner with LEA/SEA, however, the LEA/SEA would need to apply and serve as the fiscal agent.


5. Are Catholic schools eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant?

Based on the ESEA definition of "LEA" a Catholic School District would not be eligible to apply for a Javits grant in this year's competition. However, since Javits encourages "equitable participation" of private school teachers, and students, the Catholic School district may want to contact the LEA in its area and see if it is applying for funds under this program to see if they can be included in some way. Private schools may participate, but may not receive the funds. The LEA/SEA would need to act as the fiscal agent.


6. What is the relevant part of the ESEA definition of an LEA?

An LEA is a public board of education or other public authority legally constituted within a state for either administrative controls or direction of, or to perform a service function for, public elementary schools or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a state.


7. Are Charter Schools eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?

For charter schools, it depends on the way their state funds charters. If they are a public charter school by the state definition, then they would be eligible to apply.


8. Are individuals eligible to apply for the FY 2005 Javits grant competition?

No, individuals are not eligible to apply.


9. What if the LEA does not have a set indirect cost rate (established by its SEA) or doesn’t know what it is?

The LEA should contact its SEA to find out what the rate is, or have one calculated and approved. For more information regarding indirect cost rates, please visit the Department's website:


10. Can the LEA use its SEA’s indirect cost rate?

No, the LEA must use its own indirect cost rate.


11. Is size or number of students an issue for eligibility?

No, the number of students is not an issue for eligibility.


12. Since the Javits program has been included for elimination in the President's current budget proposal, does this mean that applicants can apply for the program and it could be eliminated prior to the grant being awarded?

A final decision has not been made regarding the FY 2006 Javits funding. However, for new FY 2005 grant awards, if the Javits funding is eliminated in FY 2006, new awards will receive funding for one year.


13. What does Absolute Priority refer to?

An absolute priority for a program means that only those applications that address that priority will be considered for funding.

Absolute Priority for the FY 2005 Javits Grant Competition: Under this priority, the Javits funds will support projects that improve services to gifted and talented students and develop the capacity of the State and local educational agencies to serve these students more effectively. For FY 2005, under 34 CFR 75.105 (c)(3) only applications that meet this priority will be considered for funding.


14. Do we need an Impact Aid number to apply for the Javits grant competition?

No, the Impact Aid number does not apply to the Javits grant competition.


15. Who do we contact for questions regarding the e-grants system if we want to submit our application electronically?

For questions regarding the e-grants system, please contact the e-Grants Help Desk 1-888-336-8930.


16. Where can we access more information regarding the Javits application?

For current information regarding the Javits FY 2005 grant competition, refer to the Javits website:


17. Within the context of formatting, should charts be single or double-spaced?

Charts should be single-spaced.


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Last Modified: 03/30/2005

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