

domain name appraisals Domain Name Appraisals

How much is your domain really worth? An expert evaluation of a domain name's value is critical intelligence for domain buyers and sellers looking to determine a fair market price. An appraisal is your first step to making a great sale!

A Domain Name Appraisal from Sedo offers you:

The industry's most extensive database of actual recent sales, not out-of-date sales values from the dot-com boom

Every appraisal individually researched by domain industry pros, because no software is a substitute for real-world experience.

Not just a number, our appraisals are designed to impart a complete understanding of domain value, so that you can choose more valuable domains!

Our scientific methodology, based on academic research, evaluates your domain based on a 5-factor (Standard) or 10-factor (Premium) model of domain value.

website value
Domain Appraisal
Premium Domain Appraisal
Domain Portfolio Appraisal
We appraise the value of your domain name based upon 5 of the most important qualitative factors.

A personalized estimate of the domain name's value.

The assessment via e-mail within seven business days.

The Premium Appraisal greatly extends the level of research and analysis that your domain receives. We analyze at least 10 factors, provide a list of recent comparable sales, and give you some personalized tips on selling and marketing your domain. Includes:

An expert estimate of the domain name's value.

A list of recent comparable sales.

Advanced analysis into areas such as search engine friendliness, branding potential, legal situation, possible buyers, and marketing strategy.

The completed appraisal via e-mail within three business days.

Our Domain Portfolio Evaluation is the right choice if you would like to evaluate more than 50 domain names. This is the perfect valuation for bulk sales, net worth assessments, and tax purposes. We appraise the value of your domain names based upon 5 of the most important qualitative factors, and include:

A personalized estimate of each domain name's value.

The collective value of your portfolio if sold individually and as a package.

The assessment via e-mail within ten business days.

Please contact us directly at to order!
