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Annual ADA Update Conference National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research

DBTAC: Mid-Atlantic ADA Center
Your regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center (DBTAC)

We provide training, information, and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to businesses, consumers, schools, and government agencies within the Mid-Atlantic Region (PA, DE, MD, VA, WV, and DC). If you are outside of this area, please visit the DBTAC National Network of ADA Centers to locate your regional DBTAC.

What's New

President Bush signs the ADA Amendments
Act of 2008 on Thursday, September 25, 2008

This new law, which was passed overwhelmingly by the Senate and the House, expands civil rights to Americans with disabilities in the workplace and overturns several Supreme Court decisions that have reduced protections for certain people who were originally intended to be covered by the ADA. The new law will be effective January 1, 2009.

"Today President Bush has followed in his father's footsteps and taken a stand for equal opportunity and full participation for all Americans. I deeply appreciate the bipartisan leadership in the Congress that brought us to this point, and I thank President Bush for his leadership in signing this critical civil rights law that will make a real difference in the lives of millions of Americans with disabilities and chronic health conditions," said Andrew Imparato, President and CEO of the American Association of People with Disabilities.

New ADA Trainings from the
DBTAC Mid-Atlantic Atlantic ADA Center

Link to DBTAC: Mid-Atlantic ADA Center FY 2009 Quaterly ADA Trainings

Learn all about the Americans with Disabilities Act! The DBTAC: Mid-Atlantic ADA Center will be offering quarterly training sessions in our Rockville office at a cost of $45, including breakfast and lunch.

Webinar Series:
Employment and the ADA

Join the Case Law Update -
Live Audio Conference on October 21, 2008

The new 2008 Legal Issues Webinar Series: Employment and the ADA will utilize a fully accessible online conferencing system. Participants will need a computer with a high speed network connection and web browser. You can register for as many sessions as you like; discounts are available when you register for more than one session.

The six-part series will be hosted and moderated by Barry Taylor, JD, Director of Legal Services, and Alan Goldstein, Senior Attorney, Equip for Equality, the Protection and Advocacy program in Illinois. Don't miss this opportunity to hear these experts discuss some of the most challenging employment issues, such as medical inquiries, harassment, retaliation, and workplace safety.

Visit the ADA Audio Conference web site for details or to register for sessions.

Podcast Series: Disability Law Lowdown

Brought to you by nationally recognized leaders in the field of disability law, this new program delivers the latest in disability rights information. You can subscribe for free and have shows automatically delivered, or you can listen to the show and read the transcripts from the Disability Law Lowdown Podcast site.

ADA Audio Conferences: 2007-2008 Schedule

The 2007-2008 schedule is now posted, including sessions on employment issues, accessible design, post-secondary education, and serving customers with disabilities in the hospitality industry. Visit the ADA Audio Conference web site for details or to register for sessions.

ADA Portal

Search the ADA Portal, a collection of over 7,000 documents related to the Americans with Disabilities Act and other disability laws.

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©2008 DBTAC: Mid-Atlantic ADA Center

This site last updated on October 31, 2008