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In the early 1950s, the then-new Resources for the Future convened the Mid-Century Conference, where more than 1,500 leaders could “exchange viewpoints on important resource issues that appear to be of continuing significance for at least the next generation.” While the priorities of the 21st century have evolved since then, “important resource issues” remain at the heart of RFF’s research agenda, including how to value and measure the benefits from nature and effectively manage forests, fisheries, water, agricultural resources, and even outer space in an interconnected world.
The Geography of Ecosystem Services
The information used to measure the conventional economy doesn’t capture the free public goods provided by natural systems, such as wetlands. RFF Senior Fellow Jim Boyd delves into this “missing economy of nature” and examines the essential role of geography in the study of ecosystem services.
The Emergence of Land Markets in Africa
High poverty rates and the need for increased agricultural pro­ductivity remain acute in rural areas across sub-Saharan Africa. A new book from RFF Press marks the first systematic attempt to address emerging land markets in Africa and their implications for poverty, equity, and efficiency.
The Outdoor Resources Review Group
ORRG is a private bipartisan panel reviewing conservation, outdoor recreation and related issues in light of changes in the needs of the American public and the resources available to meet those needs.
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