The ProblemUnderstanding ResistanceManaging a Shared ResourcePolicy OptionsHelp Extend the Cure

Dr. Michael Dunne and Dr. Paul Miller of Pfizer got into antibiotic development because they wanted to make a difference in the lives of patients.  But the obstacle course of scientific, economic, and regulatory barriers has lead to a reduction in investment in new antibiotics, just at a time of growing medical need...

Antibiotics: A Vital Resource

We are running out of bullets for dealing with a number of (bacterial) infections. Patients are dying because we no longer in many cases have antibiotics that work.  Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederberg

Bacterial infections that cannot be cured by existing antibiotics are becoming more common every day and are exacting a terrible price on patients and healthcare providers in the United States.

A supply of effective and affordable antibiotics cannot be sustained without changes to the real-world incentives facing patients, physicians, hospitals, insurers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Our inaugural report, Extending the Cure: Policy Responses to the Growing Threat of Antibiotic Resistance, is a comprehensive study that explores incentive-based policies to protect antibiotic effectiveness, a valuable shared resource.


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