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Climate Change: Kid's Site

Climate animations, games, links, and more!

Climate Change Kid's Site

What You Can Do

25 easy steps to make a difference in greenhouse gas emissions!

What You Can Do

If you are interested in transportation and the environment and what you can do to make a difference, the following sites offer additional information:

Climate Change: Health and Environmental Effects

EPA offers a useful guide to the human health and environmental effects of climate change. Learn how your health and the health of our forests, coastal areas, water resources and more are impacted by climate variability and change.
Learn about climate change effects

Climate Change: What You Can Do

25 easy steps you can take to not only reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, but also reduce air pollution, increase the nation's energy independence and save money.
Discover what you can do about climate change

Climate Change Kids Site

Games, links, climate animations and lots of great information for kids (and their parents and teachers).
Get resources for teaching kids about climate change

Clean School Bus Program

The Clean School Bus USA program works to reduce both children's exposure to diesel exhaust and the amount of air pollution created by diesel school buses.
Find out about EPA's Clean School Bus program

Alternative Fuels Data

EPA promotes and expands the use of environmentally beneficial alternative fuels and vehicles.
Get data on alternative fuel options

Fuel Economy Guides

The US Department of Energy works to improve our country’s energy efficiency and to promote renewable source of energy. Their Fuel Economy Guides are a great resource for learning more about how energy-efficient your car, SUV or pickup really is.

Explore the Fuel Economy guides

SmartWay is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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