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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Press Release



Saturday, August 30, 2008


Secretary Gutierrez Condemns Actions Taken by Cuban Regime

WASHINGTON—U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez released the following statement on reports that Cuban security forces beat several peaceful protestors during a music concert in Havana. The security forces attacked the concert-goers for unveiling a sign calling for the release of rock musician Gorki Aguila and leading a chant of “Gorki, Gorki, Gorki,” among those attending the concert. According to press reports, one of Aguila’s fellow band members was arrested, while the other protestors were forced to flee into the crowd to avoid further injury.

Thursday’s peaceful protest was in response to the arrest of rock musician Gorki Aguila, Monday, on charges of “dangerousness,” “pre-delinquent behavior,” and behavior “contrary to the standards of the communist morality.” Aguila, who uses his music to denounce the regime’s repressive policies, was tried Friday and fined the equivalent of $28, which is approximately more than a month’s salary for an average Cuban.

“We condemn the regime’s violent attack on peaceful concert-goers and arrest of Mr. Aguila. These actions are clearly contrary to the UN covenant Cuba recently signed, which recognized the right to freedom of expression.* Mr. Aguila was unjustly detained and charged. The Castro regime has an obligation to respect the human rights of the Cuban people. These rights include free speech. The Castro regime must stop denying Cubans their rights.”

*The Cuban regime recently signed the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which specifies in Article 19 that “everyone shall have the right of freedom of expression.”

Secretary Gutierrez co-chairs the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, a U.S. Cabinet-level commission formed to explore ways the United States can help hasten and ease a democratic transition in Cuba.