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Mars Exploration Rover Project

Mars MER A and MER B 2003 Rovers

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AMES Link 2003 Landing Site Website


NOTE: This website was generated to help landing site selection. Because we have landed, this site will not be regularly updated. For the latest info please visit the JPL Rover Site.

  • Jan/Feb, 2004, Spirit and Opportunity are down. For the latest info please visit the JPL Rover Site.
  • October 6, 2003, Gusev and Meridiani here we come! The final discussion by the NASA's Associate Administrator for Space Science. memo 
  • Apr 11, 2003, Two main sites chosen - Hematite for MER-A and Gusev for MER-B. MER science memo / NASA press release.
  • Mar 03, 2003, Added updated NA Excel stats files DEMs (download page).
  • Feb 04, 2003, Landing Site Workshop Report of the 4th Meeting. (PDF)
  • Jan 24, 2003, Athena Science Team Science-Based Landing Site Recommendations
  • Jan 07, 2003, 4th MER workshop final agenda with linked presentations added.
  • Jan 02, 2003, 4th MER workshop agenda and reminder.
  • Jan 02, 2003, Added more NA DEMs (download page).
  • Dec 20, 2002, Added MOC footprints through E22 and MOLA viewshed analysis layers  on the online mapping page and below in data section.
  • Dec 20, 2002, Added landing site DEMs for download. Use freeware Global Mapper to view, profile, and contour GIS DEM data (load *.adf file).

2 Chosen Landing Sites

Summary of the MER Landing Sites (Oct 6, 2003)

Gusev Crater (MER-A)

Meridiani (MER-B)

  • Sediments deposited in crater lake?

EP55A3 centered at:

  • 14.59 S, 175.30E IAU/IAG 2000
  • 14.59S, 175.03E  IAU/IAG 1994
  • 14.59S, 175.06E  IAU/IAG 1991

Ellipse center ground radius 3392.33 km, MOLA elevation -1.91 km. Margined 99% ellipse: 78.2 km x 10.4 km, oriented at 75°, Unmargined 99% wllipse 67.2 km x 5.4 km

  • Mineral evidence(coarse-grained hematite) for past water?

TM20B3 centered at:

  • 1.98S 354.06E  IAU/IAG 2000
  • 1.98S 353.79E  IAU/IAG
  • 1.98S 353.82E  IAU/IAG

Ground radius 3394.09, MOLA elevation - 1.44 km. Margined 99% ellipse: 84.6 km x 10.8 km, oriented at 82.9°, Unmargined 99% wllipse 73.6 km x 5.8 km.

  • Stand Alone Viewers:
    • Use freeware Global Mapper to view, profile, and contour GIS DEM data (load *.adf file) for Windows.
    • For other systems you can use LandSerf
    • More

PIGWAD Online Maps

ArcView HTML - Ellipse Builder Interface has been removed. Please use the mapping services found at the PIGWAD Mars site.


Information and data provided by the MER Project Team.

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