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OPA News Release: [05/29/2004]
Contact Name: Lisa Kruska
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676

U.S. Secretary of Labor Delivers Commencement Address at Catholic University of America

Receives Honorary Law Degree

WASHINGTON—Today Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao delivered the commencement address to the graduates at Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law. This was the school’s 115th commencement. Secretary Chao also received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from the university presented by Professor William F. Fox, Dean of the Columbus School of Law, and by the Very Rev. David M. O’Connell, C.M., President of the Catholic University of America.

“It is very fitting that you are graduating at the very same time and day that the President is dedicating the national memorial to the veterans of World War II. The memories of September 11, 2001, and the tributes on the Mall today remind us that freedom is a precious gift and that others have sacrificed to protect it. As advocates of the rule of law, you will have a role in maintaining the freedom and opportunity that makes America such a beacon of hope in the world,” said Secretary Chao.

In addition, the Secretary noted the dynamic workplace, the strong economy, citing the D.C. Metro Area’s low unemployment rate of 3% in March, and the opportunities available today for these graduates.

“In America, there are many ways to achieve your dreams. You have a head start because the discipline of the law is a strong foundation for many different career paths,” she added.

The Secretary concluded her remarks by encouraging volunteerism among the graduates, citing President George W. Bush’s USA Freedom Corps.

“As you progress in your careers, you will find that success is about more than professional achievement. The President has said that America is great because of the compassion and generosity of its people. It is the character of the American people that makes our nation such a force for good in the world. Giving back to others is a way to earn the freedoms we enjoy,” concluded Secretary Chao.

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