Community Technology Centers

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Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Division of Adult Education and Literacy

As a first major step in Education Reform, President George W. Bush signed HR 1, the No Child Left Behind Act on January 8, 2002. Through implementation of its four key principles, this legislation launches sweeping improvements in elementary and middle schools and lays the foundation for transforming high schools. In the coming months, the Administration will reach out to the adult education field, including a wide range of constituents including employers, community groups and faith-based organizations to identify ways to apply the four principles of No Child Left Behind to expand and improve provision of adult education services nationwide.

Community technology centers (CTCs) provide improved learning outcomes for disadvantaged adults and children in urban and rural communities through the use of technology. Many people who visit CTCs do not own computers and many do not have access at school or work. (Falling Through The NET, 1999)

Four Principles of No Child Left Behind
  • Increasing accountability for results
  • Focusing on what works
  • Reducing bureaucracy and increasing flexibility
  • Empowering learners and parents

What is the Purpose of the CTC Program?

The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers provide access to information technology and related learning services to children and adults. The CTC program exists to provide more than mere access to technology. It exists to provide expanded learning opportunities and to fund model programs demonstrating the educational effectiveness of technology. This goal is significant, particularly with the strong emphasis of the recently enacted No Child Left Behind Act. This legislation focuses on the President??s commitment to leave no person behind in improving their educational skills, including adults with limited basic and English language skills. The Department is diligently working to enhance the quality of and access to adult education programs through improving accountability requirements. Technology plays an integral role in reaching that goal.

How Many Grants Have Been Awarded?

Program Years 1999 and 2000:

In September 1999, the U.S. Department of Education??s Office of Vocational and Adult Education awarded 40 three-year grants, funding the creation of more than 100 new community technology centers. In FY 2000 there were 93 projects funded creating 288 new CTCs and expanding services at an additional 166 existing centers. Profiles of funded projects are available on the program web site.

Program Year 2001:

The CTC program awarded $32,275,750 grants to fund 148 new projects. Scope of services include general computer literacy, word processing software applications, job readiness counseling, and ESL instruction.

What About Upcoming Competitions?

The CTC program has an estimated $15 million dollars available to make approximately 75-80 new awards in Fiscal Year 2002. They will emphasis expanded access to technology; measurable objectives; defined learner outcomes and specific progress data; evidenced-based practices; and program impact information.

What is the Focus of CTC Program Activities

CTC Program Activities focus on Workforce Development and Employment Information Activities; Pre-School and Family Programs; After-school Activities; and Adult Education Programs.

Where Can I find Additional Information About CTCs?

The America Connects Consortium:

The America Connects Consortium provides technical assistance and other services to help new and existing CTCs effectively use technology to serve their communities as well as create strong, sustainable operations. Consortium partners include: CompuMentor, the Alliance for Technology Access, Education Development Center, Inc, CTCNet, Information Technology Association of America, Alliance for Nonprofit Management, and the National Alliance of Business. For more information visit them at America Connects.

For detailed CTC program information visit the program website at Community Technology Centers

Contact us at or call (202) 245-7708

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Last Modified: 01/12/2005