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National Emissions Inventory Input Format (NIF) 3.0 to XML Converter Tool

For the 2007 emissions inventory cycle, EPA will accept inventory data in three formats: ASCII text files, Microsoft ® Access database, and eXtensible Markup Language (XML). To assist agencies preparing an inventory in the XML format, EPA has developed the NIF 3.0 to NEI XML 3.0 software tool to convert an emission inventory from either ASCII text files or Microsoft® Access files compliant with the NIF 3.0 specifications (November 2003 version) to an XML file compliant with the NEI XML 3.0 schema (April 2004 version). This tool also validates the XML file against the XML schema and produces a log reporting the errors encountered during the validation.

NIF to XML Converter installation instructions
Complete instructions are in the Converter manual (PDF 270K). Before running the installation, please read section 2.0. The manual assumes you are installing from a CD. The directions are the same once the files have been extracted from the ZIP file.

Download the ZIP file below to your hard drive. When the file is unzipped, the folders and program files, and a manual will extract to a folder on your hard drive called Install NIF To XML. The setup.exe file will be in the Setup folder.

NIF 3.0 to XML Converter - Updated Nov 2006 (ZIP 27M)

This tool requires Microsoft's .NET Framework (version 1.1) and Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.6 or later to be on the target computer. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 of the manual discuss how to check for and install these two required components on the target computer. The .NET Framework 1.1 and MDAC 2.8 are supplied with the installation package. Installation of these components is described in the manual.


| Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards | Technology Transfer Network |
| Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors |

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