Title 19--Customs Duties



TEXT PDF351.101 Scope.
TEXT PDF351.102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF351.103 Central Records Unit and Administrative Protective Order Unit.
TEXT PDF351.104 Record of proceedings.
TEXT PDF351.105 Public, business proprietary, privileged, and classified information.
TEXT PDF351.106 De minimis net countervailable subsidies and weighted-average dumping margins disregarded.
TEXT PDF351.107 Cash deposit rates for nonproducing exporters; rates in antidumping proceedings involving a nonmarket economy country.
TEXT PDF351.201 Self-initiation.
TEXT PDF351.202 Petition requirements.
TEXT PDF351.203 Determination of sufficiency of petition.
TEXT PDF351.204 Time periods and persons examined; voluntary respondents; exclusions.
TEXT PDF351.205 Preliminary determination.
TEXT PDF351.206 Critical circumstances.
TEXT PDF351.207 Termination of investigation.
TEXT PDF351.208 Suspension of investigation.
TEXT PDF351.209 Violation of suspension agreement.
TEXT PDF351.210 Final determination.
TEXT PDF351.211 Antidumping order and countervailing duty order.
TEXT PDF351.212 Assessment of antidumping and countervailing duties; provisional measures deposit cap; interest on certain overpayments and underpayments.
TEXT PDF351.213 Administrative review of orders and suspension agreements under section 751(a)(1) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.214 New shipper reviews under section 751(a)(2)(B) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.215 Expedited antidumping review and security in lieu of estimated duty under section 736(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.216 Changed circumstances review under section 751(b) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.217 Reviews to implement results of subsidies enforcement proceeding under section 751(g) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.218 Sunset reviews under section 751(c) of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.219 Reviews of countervailing duty orders in connection with an investigation under section 753 of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.220 Countervailing duty review at the direction of the President under section 762 of the Act.
TEXT PDF351.221 Review procedures.
TEXT PDF351.222 Revocation of orders; termination of suspended investigations.
TEXT PDF351.223 Procedures for initiation of downstream product monitoring.
TEXT PDF351.224 Disclosure of calculations and procedures for the correction of ministerial errors.
TEXT PDF351.225 Scope rulings.
TEXT PDF351.301 Time limits for submission of factual information.
TEXT PDF351.302 Extension of time limits; return of untimely filed or unsolicited material.
TEXT PDF351.303 Filing, format, translation, service, and certification of documents.
TEXT PDF351.304 Establishing business proprietary treatment of information.
TEXT PDF351.305 Access to business proprietary information.
TEXT PDF351.306 Use of business proprietary information.
TEXT PDF351.307 Verification of information.
TEXT PDF351.308 Determinations on the basis of the facts available.
TEXT PDF351.309 Written argument.
TEXT PDF351.310 Hearings.
TEXT PDF351.311 Countervailable subsidy practice discovered during investigation or review.
TEXT PDF351.312 Industrial users and consumer organizations.
TEXT PDF351.401 In general.
TEXT PDF351.402 Calculation of export price and constructed export price; reimbursement of antidumping and countervailing duties.
TEXT PDF351.403 Sales used in calculating normal value; transactions between affiliated parties.
TEXT PDF351.404 Selection of the market to be used as the basis for normal value.
TEXT PDF351.405 Calculation of normal value based on constructed value.
TEXT PDF351.406 Calculation of normal value if sales are made at less than cost of production.
TEXT PDF351.407 Calculation of constructed value and cost of production.
TEXT PDF351.408 Calculation of normal value of merchandise from nonmarket economy countries.
TEXT PDF351.409 Differences in quantities.
TEXT PDF351.410 Differences in circumstances of sale
TEXT PDF351.411 Differences in physical characteristics.
TEXT PDF351.412 Levels of trade; adjustment for difference in level of trade; constructed export price offset.
TEXT PDF351.413 Disregarding insignificant adjustments.
TEXT PDF351.414 Comparison of normal value with export price (constructed export price).
TEXT PDF351.415 Conversion of currency.
TEXT PDF351.501 Scope.
TEXT PDF351.502 Specificity of domestic subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.503 Benefit.
TEXT PDF351.504 Grants.
TEXT PDF351.505 Loans.
TEXT PDF351.506 Loan guarantees.
TEXT PDF351.507 Equity.
TEXT PDF351.508 Debt forgiveness.
TEXT PDF351.509 Direct taxes.
TEXT PDF351.510 Indirect taxes and import charges (other than export programs).
TEXT PDF351.511 Provision of goods or services.
TEXT PDF351.513 Worker-related subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.514 Export subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.515 Internal transport and freight charges for export shipments.
TEXT PDF351.516 Price preferences for inputs used in the production of goods for export.
TEXT PDF351.517 Exemption or remission upon export of indirect taxes.
TEXT PDF351.518 Exemption, remission, or deferral upon export of prior-stage cumulative indirect taxes.
TEXT PDF351.519 Remission or drawback of import charges upon export.
TEXT PDF351.520 Export insurance.
TEXT PDF351.522 Green light and green box subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.523 Upstream subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.524 Allocation of benefit to a particular time period.
TEXT PDF351.525 Calculation of ad valorem subsidy rate and attribution of subsidy to a product.
TEXT PDF351.526 Program-wide changes.
TEXT PDF351.527 Transnational subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.601 Annual list and quarterly update of subsidies.
TEXT PDF351.602 Determination upon request.
TEXT PDF351.603 Complaint of price-undercutting by subsidized imports.
TEXT PDF351.604 Access to information.
TEXT PDF351.701 Applicability dates.
TEXT PDF351.702 Applicability dates for countervailing duty regulations.
