Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet

Credits and Acknowledgements

In addition to the sources cited on the pages in this Teachers Guide, we would like to thank iEARN-USA and the following persons for helping create this Guide:

  • Alexey Andreev, New York, iEARN-USA
  • Celia Einhorn, New Mexico Online Internet Institute
  • Betsy Frederick, New Mexico Online Internet Institute
  • Carolyn Fulton, Florida, Florida State University
  • Ed Gragert, New York, iEARN-USA
  • Jay Holmes, New York, American Museum of Natural History
  • Lisa Jobson, New York, iEARN-USA
  • Diane Midness, New York, iEARN-USA
  • Kristi Rennebohm Franz, Washington, Sunnyside Elementary School
  • Adriana Vilela, Zapala, Argentina, iEARN-Argentina Co-Coordinator,
  • Mark Wagler, Wisconsin, Heron Network, Randall School
  • Ray Myers, US Department of Education
  • Bernadette Adams Yates, U.S. Department of Education

In addition, many educators submitted their advice and projects for possible inclusion in this Guide and others provided valuable feedback on it prior to publication. It has not been possible to include all the project suggestions and we request the understanding of these educators. Photographs have been provided by Kristi Rennebohm Franz and Carolyn Fulton.

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Last Modified: 10/28/2008